Food and Drinks
Movies with Numbers in the title.
Songs with Cities in the title.

Sliced apples sauteed on butter are a classic filling for these french pancakes.

What is Crepes?


711 is home to the _____.

What is Slurpee?


This 2002 American drama and music film about a young rapper in Detroit who struggles with his life in 1995.

What is 8 Mile?


This song is about a tiring tour and their determination to reach their home base in Brooklyn.

What is No Sleep til Brooklyn By The Beastie Boys.


The name of this Caribbean liqueur is from the Spanish name for Aunt Mary.

What is Tia Maria?


Online Amazon opened in this year.

What is 1995? (July 16th)


A group of teenage camp counselors attempt to re-open an abandoned summer camp with a tragic past, but they are stalked by a mysterious, relentless killer.

What is Friday the 13th?


This 90s alternative rock song is all about wanting to live that lavish 90210 lifestyle.

What is Beverly Hills by Weezer?


White, Black, and Green types of this drink all come from the same plant, Camellia Sinensis.

What is Tea?


This is the name of the founder of Walmart.

Who is Sam Walton?


A retired master car thief must come back to the industry and steal 50 cars with his crew in one night to save his brothers life.

What is Gone is 60 Seconds?


This classic rock song that started as a tribute to Detroit but also tells a story of a fan who died in a car crash on his way to a concert.

What is Detroit Rock City by Kiss?


Similar to the Latte is a Galao, a coffee drink that originated in this country.

What is Portugal?


Piggly Wiggly, Americas first self service grocery store was founded in this State.

What is Tennessee? (Memphis)


Two fledgling criminals kidnap a pizza delivery guy, strap a bomb to his chest, and informs him he has mere hours to rob a bank or else...

What is 30 Minutes or Less?


This song is about two lovers taking a trip to a relaxing place on an utopian island off the Florida Keys.

What is Kokomo by The Beach Boys.


Aromatics, like garlic and fennel are key to this middle eastern rice dish, a 5 letter name.

What is Pilaf?


Luther and Cal Turner Sr. each invested $5,000 each and bought a building in 1939. They started as J.L. Turner and Son Company, they changed their name to this in 1955.

What is Dollar General?

In the fall 1963, a Korean War veteran and criminal pleads insanity and is admitted to a mental institute, where he rallies up the scared patients against he tyrannical nurse.

What is One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?


This 1977 song by Billy Joel, Rather encouraging its listeners to grab the bulls by the horns, its suggests that everyone stop and smell the roses.

What is Vienna?