10 x 10
What is 100
The plural of the word tooth
Darth Vader's real name
Anakin Skywalker
The capital of America
Washington DC
How many disciples are there?
2/2 + 1/2
1 1/2
what is the ANTONYM of GO
Han Solo was captain of this ship.
Millenium Falcon
They show the world as it really is - just smaller
This angel came to Mary and said "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you."
0 divided by 0
0 can not be divided
My friend (help/helped/helper) me.
The director of most of the Star Ways movies
George Lucas
Name 5 towns in Massachusetts
Multiple Answers
What are the two types of sin?
Moral and Venial.
How many lines of symmetry does a square have?
4 lines of symmetry
Complete the sentence using a pronoun. The girls went to a movie together, and ________ all liked it.
This day is considered "Star Wars Day."
May the 4th (May the 4th be with you).
Name 5 countries in Europe
Multiple Answers
This is the part of the mass wherein the consecrated host is distributed to the people
What is Communion
505 divided by 5
jack went to new hampshire to have a Pizza, and, friendly's ice cream with His sister, Emily?
Jack went to New Hampshire to have a pizza and Friendly's ice cream with his sister, Emily.
Queen Amidala's home planet
Name the 7 continents
Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia
Name 3 of the 7 sacraments
3 of these:
baptism, reconciliation, marriage, holy orders, anointing of the sick, confirmation, and the Eucharist