Patient & family teaching guidelines
Nursing interventions & therapeutic communication
Coping Skills

True or false: Mania itself is a symptom of bipolar disorder 

True: the mania phase in a bipolar disorder is when the person is very happy and estatic 


True or False: When feeling well it is okay to stop taking your medications.

False: even when you start to feel well it is important not to stop taking your medications.


True or false: The nurse should offer different options such as physical activity when a patient is experiencing increased anxiety



What are coping skills?

Tools/techniques to help manage emotions


What type of environment should a patient in a manic episode be in?

The patient should be in a safe, low stimulated environment 


True or false: during a mania episode a person's mood is described as happy or even euphoric

True: during episodes of mania a person is very happy like we see with Noreen in the case study


Is family-focused therapy beneficial in managing bipolar disorder?

Yes: this is an effective method of reducing relapses and increasing medication adherence in clients with bipolar disorder


What should the nurse's attitude towards a patient with bipolar disorder be?

Calm as anxiety can be contagious.


What is an example of a unhealthy coping mechanism?

Alcohol use, substance abuse, self-harm, impulsive spending, partying


What should a patient/or person stray away from when in a manic episode

Alcohol and drugs


Which is not a sign of lithium toxicity:

1. loss of appetite 

2. Blurred vision 

3. feeling awake and active 

4. constantly having to pee 

3. during lithium toxicity a patient will feel drowsy and tired 


True or False: In an acute manic episode the individual knows exactly how they are behaving and communicating.

False: during a manic episode, the individual has little insight into their behavior and communication.


How can the nurse help provide a calming environment?

Provide a minimal amount of people, dim lighting, quiet room, and few objects in the room


True or false: pets help people cope with stress

True, the act of caring for a pet gives the owner a sense of warmth and affection


What is a NANDA related to safety in a manic episode

-Risk for self or other directed violence


True or false: lithium is the most widely used mood stabilizer 

True: even though there is a risk for lithium toxicity it is the most widely used mood stabilizer and why lithium values are checked often 


A flight of ideas and accelerated speech to the point that it may be extremely difficult to communicate with the individual could be an indication the individual is experiencing:

a manic episode 


What are some options a nurse can provide to help a patient relieve their anxiety or built-up tension?

Physical activity, push-ups, walking, throwing a ball


What is an example of a healthy coping skill?

Music, deep breathing, exercise, rest, talking to others


long term goal related to manic episodes 

Patient will not harm self or others


What class does the mood stabilizer, gabapentin fall under? 



What is a support service for an individual with bipolar disorder?

Support groups or individual psychotherapy


How can a nurse respond when observing a patient's anxiety is increasing?

"You seem anxious towards this."


True or false: everyone copes the same way

False, everyone has their own way of coping


Interventions to provide a safe environment

-Remove all dangerous objects from patient's environment so patient doesn't use them to harm self or others

-Have many staff members available to safely redirect patient

-Set limits

-Avoid caffeination as it a Central Nervous System Stimulant 

-assess for substance issues 

-Maintain low stimuli environment