What Country Is This?
Questions That’ll Stump Grandpa
3 In A Kind
Celebrating Tina Turner’s Life

Famous for having all 5 climate zones and…apple pie.

What is The United States Of America?


The most famous hospital is this located in Minnesota, which is known for cancer cardiology and heart surgeries.

What is Mayo Clinic?


Death Blow, Chunnel, Checkmate

What are fake Seinfeld movies?


She died in this country at her home at the age of 83 due to natural causes.

What is Switzerland?


This comedy duo is known for movies like Buck Privates and The Noose Hangs High.

Who is Abbott And Costello?


It’s famous for its monument being older than the Pyramids, stamps, and cheese rolling?

What is The United Kingdom?


A trio of elite private investigators armed with the latest in high-tech tools, high-performance vehicles, martial arts techniques and an array of disguises unleash their state-of-the-art skills on land, sea and air to track down a kidnapped billionaire-to-be and keep his top-secret voice-identification software out of lethal hands in this movie.

What is Charlie’s Angels?


Clooney, Dempsey, B. Jordan

What are Sexiest Men Alive?


She had one biological child, Craig, with Raymond Hill who played this instrument, and another biological child, Ronnie, with her first husband, Ike Turner.

What is a saxophone?


The Battle of this was fought on 13 September 1759 during the Seven Years War (1756-63).

What is Quebec?

It’s one of the longest countries ever and it has the worlds largest swimming pool.

What is Chile?


This song include these lyrics: 

Out of the doorway the bullets rip

To the sound of the beat, look out!

What is Another One Bites The Dust?


Eye, Floyd, Panther

What is “Pink”?

I call you when I need you, my heart's on fire
You come to me, come to me wild and wild
When you come to me
Give me everything I need

Comes from this song by Tina Turner.

What is The Best?


The Treaty of Nanking was signed on August 29, 1842, ending the First this between Britain and China. The treaty established Hong Kong as a British colony until 1997.

What is the Opium War?


Birthplace of Lugosi and the Danube Delta.

What is Romania?


National This Day is July 11, which aren’t what they say they are, they’re Belgian.

What are French Fries?


Californication, Mai Tai, Mint Julep

What are cocktails?


Tina said on Oprah, "I watched a little bit of it, but I didn't finish it because that was not how things went. Oprah, I didn't realize they would change the details so much." Despite her disapproval of elements of the film, Turner heavily praised her portrayal of Tina.

Who is Angela Bassett?


On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland, which led to the outbreak of World War II this many days later. The German-Soviet Pact secretly divided Poland between the two countries, allowing Germany to attack without fear of Soviet intervention.

What is 2?


Alcohol is banned and the capital is Riyadh.

What is Saudi Arabia?


This is the number of Millard Fillmore’s presidency.

What is 13?


Blackbird, Rain, Because

What are Beatles songs?


She is known as the "Queen of Rock 'n' Roll" and has been inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame this many times.

What is twice?


He was a general in the United States Army who commanded the Seventh Army in the Mediterranean Theater of World War II, and the Third Army in France and Germany after the Allied invasion of Normandy in June 1944.

Who is George S. Patton?