General Knowledge
Sci-Fi Movies
HKU locations
Broad Data Science Topics
Machine Learning Types

What is the largest desert in the world?

The Sahara Desert


In which 1977 film did George Lucas introduce a galaxy far, far away with characters like Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader?

Star Wars


I’m a grand old space where knowledge thrives, Within the oldest walls, history survives. With renaissance red brick and granite, I proudly stand tall. Built between 1910 and 1912, I welcome you all. A giant hall where minds come to play, Solve this riddle, and you’ll find your way! What am I?

Loke Yew Hall


I turn numbers into pictures, with colors and lines. I help you see patterns that are otherwise confined. What am I?

Data Visualization


I learn from labeled data, with answers in hand. I make predictions, just as planned. Give me examples, and I’ll figure it out, matching inputs to outputs without a doubt. What am I?

Supervised Learning


Which Italian city is famous for its canals?



In the 1999 film "The Matrix," what color pill does Neo take to learn the truth about the Matrix?

The Red Pill


In a place where knowledge thrives and minds expand, A logo stands proudly, a symbol so grand. In front of it, a garden, serene and neat, Where nature finds balance, a peaceful retreat. Near the Law Library, where wisdom is stored, And Chi Wah’s resources are plentifully poured. Seek this emblem of learning, so bold and so bright, Solve this riddle, and you’ll find your next sight!

HKU Main Sign


I teach machines to read and understand, words and phrases from every land. Whether it's a sentence or a tweet, I make text and meaning meet. What am I?

Natural Language Processing


With no labels to guide, I roam on my own. I find hidden structures in data unknown. Clustering and grouping are my favorite game, discovering patterns without knowing their name. What am I?

Unsupervised Learning


Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize?

Marie Curie


Which 1982 film, directed by Ridley Scott, is set in a dystopian future and features a "replicant" named Roy Batty?

Blade Runner


In a place where music fills the air, Near Meng Wah Complex, a treasure awaits with care. Inside the building of Chong Yuet Ming, A grand instrument rests, ready to sing. With keys both black and white in line, Unlock the melody, let the harmony shine. Seek the spot where music's heart does play, Your next clue lies where notes dance and sway

The piano near Meng Wah in CYM


I'm a mountain of information, too vast to climb. Traditional tools can't handle my size or time. To uncover my insights, you'll need to scale, with distributed systems that won't fail. What am I?

Big Data


I learn by trial, with rewards and mistakes. My actions evolve, with each step I take. Exploring the world, I aim for the best, learning strategies that pass every test. What am I?

Reinforcement Learning


What is the smallest country in the world by land area?

Vatican City


In "2001: A Space Odyssey," what is the name of the artificial intelligence that controls the spaceship Discovery One?

HAL 9000

In a place where stories unfold, And tales of truth are bravely told, Established in nineteen fourteen, A hub for voices, sharp and keen. Named for a leader, wise and grand, The first vice chancellor took a stand. Find the building where knowledge flows, Seek out the place where the press bestows. What am I?

Elliot Hall


I’m inspired by nature, though artificial I stay. With layers I learn, improving day by day. My strength lies in depth, where simple turns complex, and in vast amounts of data, I flex. What am I?

Deep Learning


I walk a fine line, with some labels in sight, and many more hidden, just out of light. I blend the known with the unknown too, making the most of the data I view. What am I?

Semi-Supervised Learning


Which famous artist painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City?



In the 1984 film "The Terminator," which actor plays the role of the cyborg sent from the future to kill Sarah Connor?

Arnold Schwarzenegger


In a city where knowledge takes flight, A tower stands tall, a magnificent sight. Inside its walls, bright minds convene, Data science dreams, where the future is seen. Where Musketeers gather, the quest is begun, For graduates eager, their journey’s just begun. Seek out this place, with wisdom to share, Find it, if you dare!

HKU IDS Building


In a world driven by data, I’m the unseen guide, ensuring that progress doesn’t come with a dark side. I weigh the impact of each decision made, balancing innovation with the cost it’s paid. What am I?

Data Ethics


I borrow knowledge from tasks I've seen, applying it to new ones, so fresh and clean. Though the data may differ, the lessons remain, making learning faster with much less strain. What am I?

Transfer Learning