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cone bearing trees

What are conifers.


the second largest country

What is Canada.

what are the fern's roots that grow downward from the underside of the stem called

What is rhizoids.


who lived on the Scandinavian Peninsula of northern Europe

What are vikings.


the mushroom is somewhat different from other fungi because of its large spore-forming structure called

What is fruiting body.


trees that keep their leaves year - round

What are evergreens.


a horseshoe-shaped region that covers about half of the nation, from Labrador in the northeast to the Arctic Ocean in the northwest.

What is Canadian Shield.


similar to ferns that produce spores instead of seeds and grow sideways instead of upward and usually spread over a rock, root, or tree trunk

What is moss.


discovered the North America continent

Who is Leif Ericson.


the largest group of freshwater lakes in the world and contain approximately 1/5 of the earth's freshwater supply

What are the Great Lakes.


this pine grows in hot, dry climate of the southwestern states and usually produces edible nuts

What is pinyon pine.


Canada's longest river

What is Mackenzie River.


Algae forms these long strings of cells laid end to end called

What are filaments.


became the first modern explorer to reach the North American mainland

Who is John Cabot.


this is a fungi and algae combination. they are normally flat, like pieces of bark and break down dead plants and rocks in soil and enrich the soil where they grow

What is lichen.


one of the best known fir trees that produces a fragrant liquid known as Canada balsam

What is balsam fir.


the largest inland seaway in the world

What is St.Lawrence Seaway.

an organism that gets its nourishment by attaching itself to another organism and continuously taking in that organism's body fluids 

What is parasite.

set sail in hopes of finding the Northwest Passage and sailing to China. also gave France a claim to Canada and opened the way for a valuable fur trade between the French and the Indians

Who is Jacques Cartier.

the first important French settlement in Canada.

What is Quebec


often the bases of the tree are completely submerged in water with portions of the roots projecting out of the water in humps. what do scientist call these humps?

What are knees.


a mountain chain which reaches from the southern tip of South America to the Arctic Circle.

What are the Western Cordillera.


a drug made from a kind of mold that doctors use to help with strep throat

What is penicillin.


both England and France were interested in finding a sea route through North America to the riches of Asia and called it what

What is the Northwest Passage.


tiny, white, hairlike structures that mold first appears as

What is hyphae.