Subject Harmony
True or False?
Voice Matters
Potent Punctuation
Language Lyrics

Running and jumping is/are important basketball skills.  

What is: Running and jumping are important basketball skills.  


True or False? Happy birthday from the Fitzpatrick’s.

False. What is: Happy birthday from the Fitzpatricks.


Active or Passive Voice? The trees were uprooted by the storm.

What is: Passive voice. Rewrite in active voice: The storm uprooted the trees.


True or False in AP Style: I like bread, cheese, and milk.

False. What is: I like bread, cheese and milk.


Rewrite with proper modifier: Swinging from an overhead wire, we saw a kite. 

What is: We saw a kite swinging from an overhead wire.


Checkers is/are the best board game.

What is: Checkers is the best board game.


True of False? We are planning a party on St. Patrick’s Day.

True. What is: We are planning a party on St. Patrick’s Day.


Rewrite in active voice: Salsa dancing has always been loved by our community.

What is: Our community has always loved salsa dancing.


The cat scratched the post with its/it’s claws.

What is: The cat scratched the post with its claws.


Rewrite in parralle structure: Bob stocks the shelves, is responsible for taking customer orders and he delivered packages.

What is: Bob stocks the shelves, takes customer orders and delivers packages for the store.


Either the children or the teacher is/are lying.

What is? Either the children or the teacher is lying.


True or False? I could care less if we got there on time.

False. What is: I couldn’t care less if we got there on time.


Rewrite in active voice: My first visit to Boston will always be remembered.

What is: I will always remember my first visit to Boston.


True of False? Our wedding on April 15, 1993, was beautiful.

True. What is: Our wedding on April 15, 1993, was beautiful.


Rewrite this sentence with proper modifier: I like the purple women's shoes. 

What is: I like the women's purple shoes. 


Several alumni has/have agreed to raise money.

What is Several alumni have agreed to raise money.


True or False? Kerry favored NAFTA, but Hagan was against it.

True. What is: Kerry favored NAFTA, but Hagan was against it.


Active or Passive Voice? The boy caught the ball.

What is active voice. Rewrite in Passive Voice - The ball was caught by the boy.


Which is correct ?

A. Andrew adores fried chicken; he is a doctor. 

B. Andrew adores fried chicken. He is a doctor.

What is: B. Andrew adores fried chicken. He is a doctor.


Rewrite in parralle structure: I like to sing, dancing and to be playing the guitar.

What is: I like to sing, dance and play the guitar.


The Girl Scouts is/are a fine organization.

What is: The Girl Scouts is a fine organization.


True or False? Can you make sure she's alright? 

False. What is: Can you make sure she's all right? 


Active or Passive Voice? Dana was offered a job as a bellhop by the hotel manager.

What is: Passive Voice. Rewrite in Active Voice- The hotel manager offered Dana a bellhop job.


Which is correct? 

A. The silver haired professor published a new book. 

B. The silver-haired-professor published a new book.

C. The silver-haired professor published a new book.


What is: C. The silver-haired professor published a new book.


Rewrite this sentence with proper modifier: Riding in a hot-air balloon, we saw thousands of birds.

What is: We saw thousands of birds while riding in a hot-air balloon.