Failures In Presidency
Finish It!
New Haven
Arts And Literature
Celebrating James Earl Jones’ Life

Notably, his vision of a republic excluded women and non-White men. His position on slavery was ambiguous, and he failed to advocate for the full abolition of slavery.

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


____ Bride

denoting something happening or done quickly, easily, or uncontrollably. Or Outta Here!

What is Runaway?


First off, this state includes the city New Haven which will be what this category is all about.

What is Connecticut?

This large 1937 oil painting by Spanish artist Pablo Picasso is regarded by many art critics as the most moving and powerful anti-war painting in history.

What is Guernica?


He was born in Arkabulta in this state in January of 1931.

What is Mississippi?


His failures include addressing slavery, resolving conflicts with Native Americans and foreign powers, and preventing the establishment of political parties.

Who is George Washington?


____ Back

A feeling or guess based on intuition rather than known facts

What is a hunch?


You can take an online tour for places like these, on Wooster Street. Examples include: Frank Pepe and Zeneli.

What are pizzerias?


God will never ever die, and thus will always be creating things and imbuing them with strength and power comes from this book by Emily Brontë. No ____ Soul Is Mine.

What is coward?

One of his most famous roles is this from The Lion King.

Who is Mufasa?


The major trouble spots during his two terms were in Africa (Somalia and Rwanda) and Eastern Europe (Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Kosovo in the former Yugoslavia). He also tried to resolve long-running conflicts in Northern Ireland, and the Middle East, particularly the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.

Who is Bill Clinton?


Arrested ____

Growth, change dramatically 

What is Development?


Lighthouses and Yale are cool and all but why not see the visitor center for this candy. Seinfeld says it’s to crash your car for.

What is Pez?


How about a little Geography in this category?

This is where Breakfast at Tiffany’s take place in the 1940s and 1960s.

What is New York City?

Luke, I Am Your Father says Darth Vader to Luke Skywalker. But Field Of Dreams has him saying to Ray, these 3 words.

What is People Will Come?


The most perplexing domestic problem he faced was the tariff issue. The high tariff rates in effect had created a surplus of money in the Treasury. Low-tariff advocates argued that the surplus was hurting business. Republican leaders in Congress successfully met the challenge.

Who is William Henry Harrison?


____ Sandwich

Overact, overdo

What is ham?


You can see this oldest operating trolley museum, with vintage vehicles, history exhibits & themed rides in New Haven.

What is The Shore Line?


Homeric Greek is the form of the Greek language that was used by Homer in the Iliad, Odyssey, and Homeric these.

What are Hymns?


He remained this religion for the rest of his life. At the end of his military service, Jones found himself at a crossroads. “The only thing I had that was not geared toward the art of killing was the church for that religion…and the complete works of Shakespeare,” he told The New York Times in 1987.

What is Catholic?


Other domestic legislation signed during Joe Biden’s term included the BSCA, standing for this, the first major federal gun control law in nearly three decades.

What is the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act?


Mouth ____

A person who keeps watch

What is a guard?


Newhaven is also home to a historic Fort, Paradise Park and The Lost Village of this. Explore on foot and soak in the local wildlife and nature reserve.

What are Tide Mills?


Here’s some memory including, funny enough, the number of clocks in The Persistence Of Memory, this.

What is 4?


James Earl Jones died at this age of an unknown cause of death.

What is 93?