Declaration or Constitution
Acts or Tariffs
French And Indian War

What contract stated that citizens could agree to give up some rights and powers in return for peace and protection?

The Social Contract


Who wrote the original Constitution?

James Madison


What Act forced colonists to pay more in taxes for tea sugar and everyday items?

The Sugar Act


In which battle did minutemen respond to British soldiers but retreated and lost 8 men?

Lexington and Concord


How did the colonists think of the British after the war?

They were not impressed with British troops or their leadership


Which enlightenment thinker believed that you can rebel against an unjust government that fails to protect their right?

John Locke


Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson 


Which act forced colonists to board British soldiers in their homes without any compensation or reward?

The Quartering Act

In which war did George Washington lose almost all of his men?

The French and Indian War


Why was the Albany Plan of Union significant?

It set a precedent for later, more revolutionary congresses in the 1770s

Which enlightenment thinker believed all humans are naturally selfish and violent? 

Thomas Hobbes


Which Document has been changed many times to fit our constantly changing country?

The Constitution.


What was the first direct tax that the colonists had to pay?

The Stamp Act


In which colony did the first battles of the Revolutionary War take place?

The Massachusetts Bay Colony


With what treaty did the British extend their control over North America and drive out the French?

The Treaty of Paris


Which Enlightenment thinker believed a governments purpose is to protect freedom and help people get along?

Jean Jacques Rousseau


In what document does the first Continental Congress declare their freedom from the British King George?

The Declaration of Independence


Which acts intensified the conflict between the colonies and the British government?

The Intolerable Acts


In what battle did the colonial militia fortify Breed's Hill until a British force attacked and took the hill?

Bunker Hill


In the 1760s, why did the colonists start to become "More attentive to their liberties?"

There was a dramatic change in Britain's colonial policies


Which Enlightenment thinker believed that the government should be split up into three branches. He also believed in checks and balances so that not one branch would be more powerful than the others

Baron de Montesquieu 


In what amendment does it state that anyone accused of a crime has the right to a speedy public trial and the right to call and question witnesses?

The 6th


What was the significance of Parliament’s Prohibitory Act of 1775 also known as the Olive Branch?

It severed trade between England and its colonies and removed the colonies from the King's protection, and doomed colonial trade vessels to attacks by England


Even though Bunker Hill was considered a military defeat for the colonists, why did they feel as though it was a victory?

Because they killed many British men before losing


What were the immediate effects of the French and Indian War? (Multiple answers)

Great Britian unchallenged supremacy in North America