Priests and altar boys
Morality, Mystery, and Miracle
Modern liturgical drama
Chants and music
Aspects of performance

All parts of the mass and all dramas performed in the church were spoken in this language?

What is Latin?


What is the role of morality in religious plays?

What is Morals drive decisions that affect the fate of characters, such as good, evil, and repentance.


Today there is an entire theater production group dedicated to the retelling of popular biblical stories located in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. What is the name of this theater company?

What is Sight and Sound theater?


All liturgical dramas were chanted with music rather than spoken. In what language was everything chanted?

What is Latin?


Special effects are common practices in modern theater. What were the common special effects in liturgical drama?

What are effects like trapdoors, fake corpses, fake blood, and some fire effects?


This Pope made the announcement that plays could take place on the Thursday following Trinity Sunday, or the Festival of Corpus Christi?

Who is Pope Urban?


How does mystery enhance suspense in plays?

What is Mystery raises questions in the audience and increases suspense through unexplained events and characters.

  • In the Bible there are many important characters and biblical figures. Many of these important biblical figures were depicted in these liturgical dramas, However there was a large chunk of these figures not depicted, who and why?

What are female characters and costumes because women were not permitted to perform?


The Quem Quaeritis appeared in the Regularis Concordia compiled by this Benedictine Priest?

Who is Bishop Ethelwald of Winchester?


How are miracles used in theater to deliver spiritual messages?

What is Miracles represent divine intervention and demonstrate the power of faith and its ability to change events.


Though these plays were often performed in the church they were also performed on platform stages. These platform stages were temporary structures erected around the nave of the church to indicate locations such as Paradise, Hell, Galilee, and Emmaus. What were these temporary structures called?

What are ‘houses’ or ‘mansions’?


Though the play Everyman is said to have an anonymous author, it is not thought to be based on this play written by this author?

What is Elckerlijk by Petrus Dorlandus?


Can morality and mystery coexist in one play?

What is Yes, mystery creates moral questions that keep the audience and characters in a constant state of thinking.

  1. As early Liturgical dramas were staged within the church. They used the altar, choir loft, and other spaces in the church as settings for the plays, as well using some , yet very few set pieces. How were they able to portray such colorful biblical settings?

What is using dialogue and spacial acting?


What is the impact of miracles on the characters and audience in plays?

What is Miracles change the fates of characters and inspire the audience to reflect on faith and divine intervention.

  1. This popular festival during the Middle Ages, held on or about January 1, particularly in France, in which a mock bishop or pope was elected, ecclesiastical ritual was parodied, and low and high officials changed places. What was the name of this later considered sacrilegious celebration?

What is the Feast of Fools