Alexander the Great
The Punic Wars

This civilization lasted longer than the present-day common era.

What is Mesopotamia?


This is body of water that assisted Egypt in growing crops, fishing, transportation, and cultural significance. 

What is The Nile River


Alexander the Great is originally from this present-day country.

What is North Macedonia?


After being murdered by 60 of his closest companions, this man became the first dictator to be assassinated. 

Who is Gaius Julius Caesar.


This mountain range was crossed by Hannibal Barca during the Second Punic War.

What are The Alpine Mountains?


This city served as the capital of Mesopotamia for nearly 2 millennia.

What is the city of Babylon?


This structure was made by Pharaoh Khufu in the 25th century B.C.E that towered at 147meters tall in its prime.

What is The Great Pyramid of Giza?


Alexander the Great was taught by this ancient Greek philosopher. 

Who is Aristotle?


Romulus and Remus were believed to be decedents of Aeneas, a mythical hero of this Ancient Greek war.

What is the Trojan War?


This man was a Carthaginian general who used guerrilla warfare in western Sicily during the First Punic War. 

Who is Hamilcar Barca? 


This was the Mesopotamian place of worship and sacrifice that helped tie priests more to the gods.

What is a Ziggurat?


According to the Egyptians, this god was the first king of Egypt and was the only god who was killed.

Who is Osiris?


Alexander the Greats 11-year campaign ended in this present-day country.

What is India?


Cassisus and Brutus were defeated by Mark Antony and Octavian in this Greek city. 

What is Phillipi?


This Spanish city is named after the Carthaginian Barca family in 2nd century B.C.E.

What is Barcelona?


This was the first ever recorded fictional story written around the 20th century B.C.E by a priest named Sin-leqi-unninni.

What is the Epic of Gilgamesh?


According to text, this man took on an entire army by himself, won and lived to tell the tail.

Who is Ramses II?


 This region was never properly annexed by Alexander the Great; a marriage alliance was the only thing keeping this part of the empire together.   

What is Bactria?


Daily Double:

In 753 B.C.E, Romulus founded Rome as a city on this hill.

What is the Palatine Hill?


Dictator Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus, better known as Fabius Maximus had this popular military strategy named after him used for waiting out your enemy. 

What is the Fabian Strategy?


In the 23rd century B.C.E, He conquered all of southern Mesopotamia and became the first emperor in human history. 

Who is Sargon of Akkad?


In the 32nd century B.C.E, during the Early Dynastic Period, He became the first pharaoh of Egypt and was considered the unifier of Egypt. 

Who is Namer?


The Persian 20 legion army lost and later surrendered to Alexander the Great in 331 B.C.E after this pivotable battle.

What is the battle of Gaugamela?


This man is credited with overthrowing the last king of Rome, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, and establishing the Roman Republic in 509 B.C.E.

Who was Lucius Junius Brutus?


This battle was the bloodiest battle in ancient history, with a total loss of 76,000 soldiers, and with an estimate of around 30,000 gallons of blood lost in just two days.

What is the battle of Cannae.