Early days of Swami
About Swami
Teachings of Swami
Finish the quote

What is Swami's Full Birthday (Day, Month and Year)

23rd November 1926


What is the meaning of Sai Baba?

Sai Baba means Divine Mother and Father.

Sah + Ayee + Baba; S = Divine; Ayee = Mother; Baba: Father.


What are the six basic principles on which Baba's philosophy of life and education are based?

The six basic principles of Baba's philosophy of life and education are SATHYA (truth); DHARMA (Righteousness) SHANTHI (peace); PREMA (love), AHIMSA (Non-violence) and THYAGA (Sacrifice).


What does the line "Om Sri Sai Artatrana Parayanaya Namaha" mean

Arta – people who are suffering; Trana – in protecting; Parayanaya – Person engaged in


"Life is a challenge, meet it! Life is a dream, realize it! Life is a game, play it! ______________________

Life is love, enjoy it!"


What does "Puttaparthi" mean

Putta means ant-hill - place full of ant-hills.


Why does Baba perform miracles?

Baba himself has said thus about miracles: "Miracles are very natural and normal to me". He performs miracles to inculcate faith in Divinity. These miracles are to prove to the mortals the Super human powers with which He has come down to redeem humanity from the shackles of ignorance.


What are the four Fs of life ? What do they stand for?

Follow the Master; Face the devil; Fight to the end; Finish the game. They stand for Dharma, Artha, Kaama and Moksha (Righteousness, prosperity and fulfilment through service and liberation).


The line "Om Sri Sai Loka Bandhavaya Namaha" has a story involving a temple called Nagasai Mandir. Why is it called this?

“I have come for the cause of humanity; AII are related to Me; there is none who does not

belong to Me. They may worship Me by this name or any other name; still all are mine”, says

Baba. Baba proclaimed this while He was installing the idol of Shirdi Baba in Nagasai Mandir

at Coimbatore. It was twenty seven years before this sacred installation, Shirdi Baba

appeared in the form of a Cobra, lay circled in the floral offering when thousands had

congregated in a bhajan and listening to the bhajans. He allowed Himself to be

photographed in that form. Hence, this temple is known as Nagasai Mandir. On the occasion

of the installation of the idol, Baba said, “I shall install My own form. This day is to be

sculptured in gold in history. Just as many incarnations have established their forms as idols,

I am installing this idol Myself”.


"There is only one caste, the caste of humanity. There is only one religion, the religion of love._________________

There is only one language, the language of the heart."


When and where did Baba declare that He is the Avathaar of the Age?

On 20th October, 1940 in Uravakonda, in a place adjacent to the house of the Excise Inspector Mr. Aanjaneyulu.


Who in Sathya's family accosted him for performing inexplicable deeds and how did Sathya Respond?

Sathya just took a few flowers and flung them down which arranged themselves to read “I am Sai Baba.” Later that year, on the morning of Oct 20, halfway through the school day, Baba suddenly returned home, cast aside His books and dramatically declared, “I am no longer your Sathya... I am Sai. I have my work, I cannot wait any longer.” Thus, that day forward Sathyanarayana Raju became Sathya Sai Baba.


What are the five Ds that students have to cultivate to achieve anything in life?

Dedication, Devotion, Discipline, Discrimination and Determination.


In the verse "Om Sri Sai Lokaraksha Parayanaya Namaha" an officer's Jeep is suddenly stopped while he is returning home after hunting. What happened?

God is the protector of every being in this Universe. One day, the subdivisional officer of

Anantapur district was returning via Puttaparthi after hunting. His jeep stopped near

Puttaparthi village. All the efforts of the driver to start the engine were in vain. The driver told

the officer, “There is a boy in this village who materialises viboothi; it is very powerful. I will

seek his help and come” and proceeded towards the village.

On hearing the appeal of the driver, young Sathya, in His teens, Himself came to the jeep.

He saw the carcass of a tigress shot just two hours ago. He told the officer that it was He

who made the jeep stop there. He further advised, “This tiger is the mother of three young

ones; they will be at the loss of their mother. Return back; take the cubs with you and hand

them over to the care of a zoo and arrangements for their well being. Never again hunt

animals that do not harm you”. The officer realized his mistake and promised to follow Baba’s

advice. Miraculously, with no repairs, the jeep started naturally.

The officer kept up his word by locating and handing over cubs to a zoo. He took pains for

their upkeep. He then tanned the leather of the tigress he hunted and offered it at the lotus

feet of Baba. You see this tiger skin under the foot stool of Baba’s seat in Prashanthi



Love lives by giving and forgiving._________________

Ego lives by getting and forgetting."


What was the first divine power that Baba showed in the school?

One of the teachers made Sathya stand on the bench presuming that he was absent minded. When the period was over and the next teacher who had to take class in that room came, he found the previous teacher mysteriously glued to his seat. The teacher who entered the class was Mehboob Khan. He understood the situation, asked Sathya to sit down. Then the teacher could stand up himself, without the chair accompanying him.


What was the first divine power that Baba showed in the school?

One of the teachers made Sathya stand on the bench presuming that he was absent minded. When the period was over and the next teacher who had to take class in that room came, he found the previous teacher mysteriously glued to his seat. The teacher who entered the class was Mehboob Khan. He understood the situation, asked Sathya to sit down. Then the teacher could stand up himself, without the chair accompanying him.


Baba says "You are not one person, but three". Explain.

You are not one person but three:The one you think you are - refers to body;The one others think you are - refers to the Mind.The one you really are - refers to the Aathmaa.


In verse 32, a devotee is threatened for chanting bhajans and is then attacked in the shower for continuing to conduct these bhajans. What happened next?

+200 to chant the verse

A whirlwind with an orange hue appeared in front of the

devotee. A soft hand pushed him to a corner of the room. The knife missed the target and fell

down with a loud noise. On hearing the sound of the knife falling and the running of a man,


the devotee’s wife and others came running. There was a fragrance of viboothi filling the

space. They could see viboothi all over the body of the devotee. He was dazed. Yes! Baba

had come to save the devotee. They realized that Baba had come to save His devotee in time.


The end of wisdom is freedom. The end of culture is perfection. The end of knowledge is love.________________

The end of education is character."


What event occurred when Swami was born

A very significant event occurred soon after the birth of the child, which revealed the divinity of the baby. One day, it was noticed that the bed of clothes on which the baby was lying was being moved up and down in a peculiar way by something underneath. They watched with bated breath and when they looked under the bed they found a cobra underneath! The snake was playing the role of Sesha to the Seshasai! (Sesha, according to Hindu belief, is the serpent on whose bed of coil Lord Vishnu rests.)


What was the first bhajan swami taught

Manasa Bhajare Gurucharanam Dusthara Bhava Sagara Tharanam


What are the 6 enemies?

the six enemies of kama (desire), krodha (anger), lobha (greed), moha (delusion), mada (pride) and matsarya (jealousy).


What does the line "0m Sri Sai Dheena Jana Poshanaya Namaha" mean?

Dheena Jana – helpless men; Poshanaya – who provides sustenance:

Baba once told a foreigner who had come to Him, “Stop using medicines henceforth. I am

your physician from now”. Once at Bangalore, when Baba was in Brindavan, this man had a

minor fracture by stepping into a narrow ditch in darkness at night. The pain was unbearable.

He was helped by some people to his room and was advised to take some painkiller and to

consult a doctor immediately. There was total numbness in that portion of the leg and it

became chill. However, he wanted to obey Baba’s counsel and decided to stay away from

doctor and medicines. He smeared the viboothi given by Bhagawan at the place of injury and

put some in his mouth. He spent the night repeating the name of Baba, all alone.

The next day he was brought down to the darshan grounds on a wheel chair. He enjoyed

darshan of Baba. Soon after, he felt that his leg which was numb till then was warming up.

He tried to stand on the injured leg. To his surprise, it had become normal and there was no

pain. In His infinite mercy, Baba kept up His promise to be the physician of that foreigner and

thus cured him of his injury by mere darshan.


"Money comes and goes.

Morality comes and grows."