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What happened when Columbus returned to Spain?

The king and queen provided him with riches.


What did many men in Spain do when they were grown up?

Became soldier 


Around what year was the Renaissance and what new stuff was discovered? 

It was around 1300 CE and art, medicine, and science became more popular.


What were the French trading thought North America?

Treasure- furs


What were some of the problems La Salle faced?

Difficult attitude, pirates and ship wrecks, and Spaniards captured one of the four ships.


Why did Columbus try to sail across the Atlantic ocean?

To try to find a quicker route to Asia


What were the main goals of the conquistadors?

To covert the natives to Catholic Faith and to get wealth for themselves.


How did Spain produce maps and charts more accurately? 

They hired Mapmakers and cartographers.


What did French Explorer Sieur La Salle envision along the Mississippi River?

A trading empire


Where did La Salle end up landing and building Fort St. Louis? 

Matagorda Bay, Texas


Why did Spain think the New World was important?

To gain riches and spread Catholic faith


Where did Hernan Cortes's ship land, when,  and what empire did he set his eyes on?

He landed in Present day Mexico in 1519, and he set his eyes on the Aztec civilization.


What happened when Columbus landed in America?

He brought over diseases.


What was the Northwest Passage?

A river that flowed to the Pacific Ocean


What did La Salle's men stage against him and what happened in 1687?

They staged mutiny and murdered him in 1687


What is a conquistador?

Leaders of the soldiers


How were the Aztec's a modern civilization?

They had their own code of law, systems of courts, a system of trading, and military.


What happened when new diseases came to the New World?

The natives died


What did France name the land surrounding the Mississippi River?

Louisiana, after the French king Luis XIV


What happened to Fort St. Louis?

It was attacked by the Karankawa


What does God, gold, and glory stand for?

God: Conquering new land meant more people to covert to Christianity.

Gold: Conquering new land meant finding new wealth like gold and silver

Glory: Conquering new land meant expanding your land for your king and queen.


Why was Tenochtitlan so appealing to the Spanish.

Great quantities of gold, silver, and jewels.


What happened when the natives died?

The Europeans didn't have enough people to work on their plantations so they went to Africa and took the natives to the New World.


What was the issue with La Salle's claim to part of Texas?

It was also claimed by Spain.


What did Fort St. Louis remind the Spanish?

That they needed to pay more attention to what other countries are doing