climate change
Sustainable agriculture

This kind of leadership is all about fixing problems and getting things done in the short term 

What is Management? 


An increase in this atmospheric substance, which has been stable for millioins of years, is causing rapid warming of the Earth.

What is carbon dioxide?


This type of sustainable farming avoids synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

What is organic farming?


This term refers to different ways of leading based on different situations. It shows that different situations may call for different leadership styles. 

What is situational leadership?


An increase in the average temperature by this many degrees can lead to significant polar ice melt and rising sea levels.

What is 2 degrees Celsius?


By planting different crops in the same area across seasons, this practice helps replenish soil nutrients and prevent pests. 

What is crop rotation?


This theory of leadership says that leaders are born, not made, and it focusses on traits like ability and charm that people are born with. 

What is “the great man theory”?


Small temperature increases can lead to larger and more dangerous versions of these weather events, including hurricanes, floods and droughts.

What are extreme weather events?


This sustainable farming method emphasizes biodiversity, soil health, and water retention to restore ecosystems and fight climate change.

What is Regenerative Agriculture? 


This idea says leadership is socially created, and how people see their leader is important. 

What is “leadership is a social construct”? 


One of the effects of global warming that impacts marine ecosystems and threatens biodiversity, especially coral reefs.

What is ocean acidification?


This farming technique reduces soil erosion by planting crops on a slope across the land's contours, rather than up and down.

What is contour farming?


This approach classifies leadership issues as either “tame”,”wicked”, “critical” or “crisis” and it postis that there is no universally applicable style.

What is the “leadership problem typology”? 


This planetary phenomenon causes some regions to get warmer while others experience colder winters, despite global warming.

What is jet stream disruption?


Sicily, renowned for its olive oil production, has experienced various farming practices throughout its history. Which of these practices are considered the least sustainable 

What is Geometric Farming?