Area & Perimeter

Jane saved $800. Her sister has 10 times as much money. How much money does Jane’s sister have? Use numbers or words to explain how you got your answer.

Jane's sister has $8,000


The area of a rectangle is 42 square centimeters. Its length is 7 centimeters. a. What is the width of the rectangle?

The width is 6 cm


There are 3 students in the class and 27 apples. If the apples are divided equally among the students, how many does each student get?

Each student gets 9 apples


Mr. Pham wrote 2.619 on the board. Christy says it is two and six hundred nineteen thousandths. Amy says it is 2 ones 6 tenths 1 hundredth 9 thousandths. Who is right? Use words and numbers to explain your answer.

Christy is correct 


Compare the fractions given below by writing < or > on the lines 

½ _____ ¾

½ < ¾


Sarah is 9 years old. Sarah’s grandfather is 90 years old. Sarah’s grandfather is how many times as old as Sarah?

Sarahs grandfather is 10 times older 


A rectangular room measures 12 m by 7 m. What is the area of this room?

The area is 84 m


Olivia took 4 friends to a local farm to pick up strawberries. They picked 96 strawberries. How many will each friend get if they share them equally?

24 strawberries 


A microscope has a setting that magnifies an object so that it appears 100 times as large when viewed through the eyepiece. If a tiny insect is 0.095 cm long, how long will the insect appear in centimeters through the microscope? Explain how you know

9.5 cm long 


Compare the fractions given below by writing < or > on the lines 

1 ¾  _____ 1 7/12   

1 ¾  > 1 7/12


Jacob saved 2 thousand dollar bills, 4 hundred dollar bills, and 6 ten dollar bills to buy a car. The car costs 10 times as much as he has saved. How much does the car cost?

The car costs $24,600


The perimeter of a rectangular playground is 46 m. If the length of the park is 7 m, what is the width of the park?

The width is 16 m


A glass pitcher contains 65 punches of juice which is poured equally into six glasses. How many ounces of juice does each glass contain?

Each glass contains 10.8 ounces 


A honey bee’s length measures 1 cm. Express this measurement in meters. Explain your thinking. Include an equation with an exponent in your explanation.

0.01 meters


Timmy claimed that 2/3 is less than 7/12. Evan says he thinks 2 /3 is greater than 7/ 12. Who is correct? Support your answer with a picture

Evan is correct 


Matthew has 30 stamps in his collection. Matthew’s father has 10 times as many stamps as Matthew. How many stamps does Matthew’s father have? Use numbers or words to explain how you got your answer

Matthews father has 300 stamps


Theresa wants new carpeting for her family room. Her family room is a 12 ft by 21 ft rectangle. How much carpeting does she need to buy to cover her entire family room?

252 ft of carpeting 


Sandra, a handler in a toy manufacturing unit needs to pack 71 identical toys in equal numbers in 3 cartons. How many toys can be packed in each carton?

Each carton contains 23 toys.


Lance measured 0.485 liter of water. Angel measured 0.5 liter of water. Lance said, “My beaker has more water than yours because my number has three decimal places and yours only has one.” Is Lance correct? Use words and numbers to explain your answer.

Lance is incorrect 


Mr. Salazar cut his son’s birthday cake into 8 equal pieces. Mr. Salazar, Mrs. Salazar, and the birthday boy each ate 1 piece of cake. What fraction of the cake was left?

5/8 of cake remained 


A printing company has 6 printing machines. 1. Each printing machine costs $4,500. How much did the company pay for the machines?

The company paid $27,000


The width of David’s rectangular tent is 5 feet. The length is twice the width. David’s rectangular air mattress measures 3 feet by 6 feet. If David puts the air mattress in the tent, how many square feet of floor space will be available for the rest of his things?

32 feet will be available 


An egg tray can hold 12 eggs. If 235 farm fresh eggs need to be packed, how many egg trays are needed? How many eggs are not packed?

19 trays 

7 eggs 


Alaska has a land area of about 1,700,000 square kilometers. Florida has a land area 1 10 the size of Alaska. What is the land area of Florida? Explain how you found your answer.

170,000 square kilometers 


Sue ran 9/10 mile on Monday and 7/10 mile on Tuesday. How many miles did Sue run in the 2 days?

1 6/10 or 1 ⅗