Lesson 1:Discerning Good and Evil
Lesson 2:Basics of the Bible
Lesson 3: Secrets of the KOH
Lesson 4: The Fig Seed and Field
Lesson 5: The Fig Food

Who is the author of the Bible?



1) What kind of book is the bible? 

2) And who is it about? 

Book of Covenants (Promise), God and His Chosen People 


What is the first reason why Jesus spoke in parables?

To fulfill the prophecies of the Old Testament 


What is the true meaning of the figurative "seed" and "field"?


Person's heart, World 


What is the true meaning of the figurative "food"? 



What kind of entity is Satan?

A created being, a fallen angel 


Fill in the blank 

The bible is a history of  ________ between God and ________.

The bible is a history of war between God and Satan.


What is the second reason why Jesus spoke in parables?

To Hide the Secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven from the enemies 


How many types of spiritual seeds are there and what are they?

Two types 

God's seed, devil's seed 


1) How many kinds of spiritual food are there? 

2) What are they? 


God's Food, Satan's food  


Name the entities that are in the Spiritual World. (Good)  

Good: God, angels


What are the four contents of the bible?

History, Moral Instructions (Teachings), Prophecy, Fulfillment 


What happens to the people who do not understand the figurative language (parables)? 

They become outsiders (Opposite side of God) 


At what time can you differentiate who is born of what seed?

At the time of harvest, the end of ages 

1) What is the true meaning of the figurative famine and 

2) when does it occur? 

Absence of God's word 

End of the Age 


What does the true pastor/priest speak of? 

Word of God, has the Spirit of God, testifies to what he has seen and heard 


What is the 

1) subject, 2) content, and 3) result of the New Testament (Covenant)? 

Subject: Christians / Jesus & Spiritual Israel 

Content: Jesus's 2nd Coming

Result: Covenant = Must Keep


If the parables are hidden, how can we understand? 

Through the Spirit of Truth and the True Pastor/Priest 


State the meaning of the figurative tree and who the reality of the tree of life was at the First Coming. 

Tree: Pastor(priest) / organization

Reality: Jesus (true vine) 


1) What kind of spiritual food is the wine of Babylon and 

2) what kind of state did it make the whole world?

Include the reference verse 

Satan's food 

Made the whole earth drunk 

Jr 51:6-7  


1) How can you discern from the true pastor from the false one? 

2) Why is it difficult to discern? 

1) Knowing the truth / God's plan, promise, prophecy) 

2) Because they masquerade to deceive followers of Christ 


Fill in the Blank 

At the time of Exodus, God came to ______ (Ex 12) to fulfill the promise He made to _______ (Gen 15).

At the time of Exodus, God came to Moses(Ex 12) to fulfill the promise He made to Abraham(Gen 15).


If the parables are hidden, when can we understand?

When the prophecies are fulfilled and when the physical entities appear 


Why do we need to discern between the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? 

Eating from tree of life = eternal life 

Eating from tree of knowledge of good and evil = death 


1) What is the food at the proper time? 

2) What does the one who is victorious give? 

Revealed Word 

the hidden manna