The company was founded in what year?
In the show Greys Anatomy, which intern was chosen to assist with surgery on their first day?
What is an abandoned call?
A call is which the caller hangs up before being routed to an agent.
What Job Tags do you add to all booked tune-ups?
TuneupOpp 1-4 years, TuneupOpp 5-9 years, or TuneupOpp 10+ years
What is the company slogan?
Gimmick Free Since 83
What was the first Pixar movie released?
Toy Story
Our service level consists of what?
The % of calls answered within 60 seconds of entering the Queue
What Job Tag do you add when booking a job for a brand new customer?
Easy! The "New Customer" Tag!
What does HVAC stand for?
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
In the show Game of Thrones, who is Joffrey's biological father?
Jaime Lannister
If a builder calls in for a bid on a new construction home, who is the information sent to?
Jason Everett
What piece of information are you required to get for for ALL Hero Club Members?
Email address
If a customer calls in asking about Hero Club, what do we quote monthly for 4 units?
$640 a month?
In what state is Yosemite National Park located?
Why is it important to use the Recurring event when scheduling the tune-ups?
It prevents double booking the customer for a tune-up and it removes the customer from the text message notifications
What is David's middle name?
Who is Charles Reiner?
Amy's father and the original owner of Reliant Air Conditioning
What does the following mean?
"In the clerb we all fam"
In the club we are all family.
What is the opt in process and why is it important?
Due to changes in law the customers must opt in or agree to allow Reliant AC to send them text messages. It allows Reliant Airconditioning to continue to send the tune-up notifications to the customers through email.