Famous Faliures
Pop Culture
Famous Philosophers and Their Theories
Words starting with "L" ending with "D"

This inventor was told by his teachers that he was "too stupid to learn anything" but went on to invent the light bulb.

Who is Thomas Edison?


The singer's album "1989" won the grammy for Album of the Year in 2016.

Who is Taylor Swift?


This Greek philosopher is known for his method of dialectics and was the teacher of Plato.

Who is Socrates?


This number is a mathematical constant that is the base of the natural logarithm and exponential function.

What is Euler's Number?


This four-letter word describes the part of the Earth's surface that is not covered by water.

What is Land?


This author faced 12 rejections before publishing the first book in her famous series about a young wizard.

Who is J.K Rowling?


The American rapper and entrepreneur is known for his albums "The College Dropout" and "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy."

Who is Kanye West?


The French philosopher is famous for his statement "I think, therefore I am."

Who is René Descartes?


This is the first habit in the 7 habits tree by Leader in Me.

What is "Be Proactive"?


This type of reptile, known for its scaly skin and ability to regenerate its tail.

What is a Lizard?


This musician was dropped by Decca Records, who said "guitar groups are on the way out," before becoming a member of The Beatles.

Who is John Lennon?


The American singer and actor starred in the 2018 film "A Star is Born" alongside Lady Gaga.

Who is Bradley Cooper?


The Austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis wrote "The Interpretation of Dreams."

Who is Sigmund Frued?


This literary device uses similar phonetic sounds in continuity to make an effect.

What is Alliteration?


This term is used to describe a traditional story or myth, often involving heroic characters or events, that is passed down through generations.

What is a Legend?


This talk show host faced numerous rejections and was once told she was "unfit for TV" before becoming a media mogul.

Who is Oprah Winfrey?


This 2017 film, directed by Jordan Peele, is a social thriller that expolores themes of racism.

What is Get Out?


The American philosopher is a key figure in pragmatism and wrote "Democracy and Education."

Who is John Dewy?


This is the greek letter that represents angular acceleration in physics.

What is Alpha?


This term describes an item, often a piece of clothing or footwear, that has been fastened or adorned with a string or cord.

What is Laced?


This innovator was fired from his own company but later returned to lead it to unprecedented success.

Who is Steve Jobs?


The animated film, released by Pixar in 2020, explores the concept of the afterlife and features a character named Joe Gardner.

What is Soul?


The English philosopher is known for his social contract theory and wrote "Leviathan."

Who is Thomas Hobbes?


This is a molecular machine that catalyzes the production of a ATP from ADP. It's a key enzyme in cellular energy production and photosynthesis.

What is ATP Synthase?


This adjective describes something that is vividly shocking or sensational, often with graphic details, and is commonly used to describe scandalous news stories.

What is Lurid?