Abnormally large rabbit
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the first Pixar movie
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This athlete has his own hennesy
Who is Lerbon pookie James.
This is the most popular beer brand in the USA
what is Bud Light
This country artists sings the beloved song about a keg in the closet
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This type of fish was eaten by jonah hill in the wolf of wall street
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The kentucky derby is held in this venue.
what is Churchhill downs
Germany holds this beer festival every year. This si the biggest beer festival in the world.
What is October fest
This famous politician was an honorary Lambda
who is harry Truman
this dog smirks at you just the right way
Who is roblox dog
highest grosing R-rated movie of all time
what is Joker
This city has held the Olympics 3 times.
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In the 1950's, this iconic game was invented
What is beer pong
He is the host of What would you do.
Who is john QuiƱones
this event was very tragic and everyone wishes that it never happened. He shouldn't have gone in.
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this movie used practical sets instead of CGI to create insane visuals
what is Inception
This NFL player is the only defensive player to win the MVP award
Who is Lawarence Taylor.
In some countries you can go to this fast food chain and order a beer
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He was an American military general and an aviation pioneer.
this animal is the most common in memes
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The opening scene of this movie took 9 hours to film
what is Shawshank redemption
This shoe was banned from the NBA for a period of time
what is Air Jordans
This country drinks the most beer
what is the Czech Republic
This actor and comedian was a Lambda at UCLA
Who is Will Forte