
The phone is ringing. You want to answer it. What do you do, and say? 

Do: Pick up the phone, speak clearly. Say: "Hello, this is _____________." Anything else you could do or say?


Your friend stepped on your foot and didn’t apologize. Your foot hurts! What do you do, and say? 

Do: You talk to your friend about it. Say: You could ask if it was an accident. What else could you say?


You see someone you know at the store! What do you do, and say? 

Do: you can greet them Say: "Hi, how are you?" What else?

You are in a bad mood today. Your friend wants to talk to you. What do you do, and say?
Do: You can talk to your friend. Say: "I'm sorry, but I don't feel like talking today." what else?

You ask someone to play a game and they say no, what do you do?

Find someone or something else 

Someone cut in front of you in the line! What do you do, and say?
Do: You can talk to the person, ignore the person, or talk to an adult about it. Say: You can tell the person "Excuse me, we are waiting in a line. Please go to the back." Anything else you can say or do?

You see your teacher at her desk, she looks busy. You want to greet her. What do you do, and say?

Do: you can wait until she is not busy, or just wave. Say: You can say "Good morning!" What else?


Your schedule is changing often or your routine is not like it usually is. What can you do?

You can talk to your teacher or counselor about how you feel and figure out a strategy to help you feel more prepared for the day.


You know they answer to a question the teacher asked, how do you tell her?

Raise your hand and wait 


Someone said something hurtful about your friend. What do you do, and say? 

Do: you can talk to and comfort your friend, go away from the person and/or talk to the person who hurt their feelings. What can you say to your friend? "Don't listen to them." What else? What can you say to the other person?


You need to go to class, but your friend is still talking to you. What do you do, and say? 

Do: you can tell them that you are late. Say: "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I really need to hurry to my class! Can we finish talking later?" What else?


You are frustrated and your teacher is asking you to focus on your school assignment.  

Do: You can take a deep breath, calm yourself, explain why you are frustrated. 

4. You answer the phone, and you don't know the person who called. What do you do, and say?
Do: you can ask them questions or hang up. Say: you can say "May I ask who is calling?" Anything else you can do or say?

You are talking with a friend on social media and they are writing things that are causing big feelings. What can you say?

_name_ what you said about _topic_ just made me feel _emotion_. I would like to talk about something else.


Your friend says “good morning” to you, but you are in a hurry and forget to say anything to them! Now they are upset. What do you do, and say? 

Do: Apologize, or greet them later. Ask them what's wrong. Say: "Oops, I didn't mean to ignore you!" What else?


You are upset about something that happened at home. What do you do, and say? 

Do: You can talk to someone about it. Say: You can say "I'm worried/upset about something, can we talk?" What else can you do/say?


You want to be able to connect with a friend outside of school. What should you do first? What if you don't have a phone of your own?

You should ask your parent(s) if it is okay to share contact information. And your friend should do the same. 


You feel left out because the kids in your class are playing tag together on the playground. What can you say/do?

Hi, it looks like you all are playing tag. Can I join the game?


You see your friend at a football game, and want to greet him. He is with his other friends that you don’t know. What do you do, and say? 

Do: You can go over to your friend, and greet him. You need to introduce yourself to his other friends. Say: You can say "Hi friend! How's it going? I'm __________." What else?


You feel that your partner in the group project isn't doing their part.  You often have to complete their assigned tasks.

Do: Talk to your partner; talk to teacher