What day is pesach sheni?
The 14th of Iyar
Who recites Birkat Kohanim?
The blessing is recited by the Kohanim, descendants of Aaron, the brother of MosHe
What is the first parasha
how many days are Hanukkah?
8 days
Who built the mishkan
Why couldn’t you make a peach shani?
listed 3
B/c you didn’t believe in hashem, you are sick, far away, you were with dead people (Tamei), people who missed pesach
Can Birkat Kohanim be recited without a Kohen present?
true or false
What is the main event in the Parasha of Yitro?
Yitro describes the giving of the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai.
On rosh hashana what head do we eat?
Either fish or ram
Name 2 things the nesiim brought
sliver plates and sliver bowls
What is first peasach or census
Birkat Kohanim Meaning
blessing of the kohanim
how many parshas in the torah
54 parshas
what day is hanukkah
(2024) Hebrew calendar
25th day of Kislev
Why is the mishkan important
so god can be more connected and so can the jews
What is the date of pesach
15th of Nisan
Is a minyan required for Birkat Kohanim?
(True or false)
what is the longest parsha in the torah
Why do we blow the shofar?
It’s an awaking
Who gave instructions to the mishkan
hashem to moshe to Mount Sinai
what happens if you miss the first pesach
you can do pesach shani
What is a birkat kohnaim
the prayer that kohnaim say
Why does Yaakov wrestle with the angel in Parasha Vayishlach?
To receive a blessing and confirm his new identity.
What Day is the yom kippur fast
10th of tishrei
Why were the neziim so quick to bring things to the mishkan
last time they gave nothing and it’s really about themselves