Small sewn pouch on pants
What is a Pocket
Shallots are smaller versions of this veggie
What is an Onion
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning."
Who is Albert Einstein
This speicies of cat has the fastest known land speed of any mammal
What is a Cheetah
What are goldfish
An albino eagle might flash these, and a hawk too un-sheathes them
What are Grey Talons
A Roux typically consists of butter, spices, and this
What is Flour
"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds"
Who is Robbert J. Oppenheimer
"The king of the Jungle"
What is a Lion
Like a good neighbor
What is state farm
7546 / 7 = ?
What is Seven
In a famously telling match, Chris "cooked" Matthew in a fair widowmaker duel on this map
Where is Kings Row
"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants"
Who is Issac Newton
The Rarest Spiecies of Cat
What is a Snow Leopard (Amur Leopard)
Every kiss begins with
What is Kay Jewlers
A citizen in a resturant
What is a Patron
To airlock and boil one piece of meat or fish is to prepare it this way
What is Sous vide (haha i said one piece)
"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood"
Who is Marie Curie
Ben's cats names
Who are Murphy & Loki
They're magically delicious
What are Lucky Charms
The grandma in Madagascar uses this
What is Blue Walker
Sauce made from egg yolks and mustard
What is Hollendaise
“I don't care that they stole my idea . . I care that they don't have any of their own”
Who is Nikola Tesla
This country is home to the most roaming lynx
Where is China
The best part about waking up
What is Folgers