A) Trade route that connected the Han and Roman Empires during the classical era. B) Promoted the growth of Kashgar and Samarkand. C) Innovations promoted include caravanserai; forms of credit, such as bills of exchange; banking houses, and paper money.
Silk Road(s)
The magnetic compass was invented by which civilization?
Where did champa rice originate from?
What's another name for land that was a source of power and legitimacy in European feudalism?
Genghis Khan's brother, Hulegu, conquered what empire?
The Abbasid
Which animals were better suited to traverse deserts than horses or donkeys?
Which civilization invented woodblock printing and movable type?
Syncretic philosophy that developed in among Confucians in response to the growing popularity of Buddhism, and is evidence of the influence of Buddhism in China.
These members of feudal society were usually dealt with according to church law and exempt from secular courts. In France they made up the "First Estate."
What form of writing script did the Mongols adopt?
The Abbasids invented letters of credit called the "sakk." This idea was later used in Europe. They called it what? Hint: it starts with a C and you endorse it with your signature.
Initially used as an explosive made from charcoal and saltpeter, this spread to Europe in 1258.
This dynasty came after the Yuan. It literally means "brilliant" in English. It's immediate goal was to remove all signs of Mongol rule.
Who were traveling poets and entertainers called in feudalism that sang about courtly love?
What killed a third of European population (about 25 million)?
The Bubonic Plague/Black Death
These inns were found along the Silk Road from Turkey to China. It provided accommodations for travelers, and also food, water, and care for camels.
This writing material was invented by the Han around 100CE
Famous Islamic admiral who led seven exploratory voyages for Ming China. Traveled to Southeast Asia, Ceylon, India, the Persian gulf, Arabia, and the East African coast.
Zheng He
In 1206, Temujin became who, which means "universal ruler"?
Genghis Khan
Where in Europe did the Bubonic Plague not spread as much, because of the cold winters?
A delicate yet durable ceramic made of clay. The Tang dynasty had a complete monopoly as the world's only producer and supplier.
Which Chinese dynasty lasted until 1279? It instituted the civil service exam for the imperial bureaucracy, and its capital city was Hangzhou.
Oceangoing ships built in China during the Song dynasty.
What was the luxurious capital Temujin built?
What on rats and squirrels was the primary source of the disease?