Tallest building in the world?
The Burj Khalifa
The most popular sport across the world.
Soccer (Football)
Fill in the blank:
"We don't talk about...
This dessert features sugar as the primary ingredient and is eaten more casually than other desserts.
What is the fastest land animal?
This is the most populated Country
How often are the Olympics held?
Every 4 years
What movie is "Hakuna Matata" from
The Lion King
This dessert is baked flat, and often circular, on a baking sheet.
Natural Pearls Are Found In What Sea Creatures?
Largest capital city in the world by population
Who is widely regarded as one of the greatest tennis players?
Serena Williams
Famous Washington based band
This custard-like tart is often mistaken as a cake
I have no legs and I eat things whole. What am I?
I am a Snake!
What is the smallest country in the world?
Vatican City
What football team has the most money/revunue?
The Dallas Cowboys
What Disney character sings the song "Speechless"
A frozen dessert that is either dairy or fruit based, and is churned into creamy, solid, and delicious
Ice Cream
National animal of the USA
The national animal of 15 country's
A Lion
What is the worlds second most followed sport?
What is the real name of Alexander Hamilton in Hamilton?
Lin-Manuel Miranda
This dessert is known to be from a tropical state in the USA. It's also known for its tasty flavors.
Hawaiian Shaved Ice
Where is a shrimp’s heart?
In its head