Adult male gorillas are given what colorful nickname, due to the grey hair found on their hind torso?
What is a Silverback
Who was the first Roman Catholic president?
John F. Kennedy
Since he wrote his name extra big when he signed the Declaration of Independence, which Founding Father's name is also slang for your signature?
John Hancock
Elizabeth Montgomery
She’s a “helper”
Margaret leighton
This is what a group of lions
What president lived the longest?
Jimmy Carter
From 1944 to 1945, the Germans increased their troops surrounding the Ardennes Forest for what World War II Battle and major counteroffensive? It gets its name for the rounded swelling of German troops in the region.
Battle of the Bulge
Barbara Stanwyck
The Big Valley
This employee is known for never meeting a dog she doesn’t love
This is what a baby kangaroo is called
Which president introduced the Social Security program?
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
What is the name of the "Island" which had a famous nuclear accident with a radiation leak in Pennsylvania in 1979?
Three Mile Island
Diahann Carroll
This employee is never asked “where’s Waldo”, but is always greeted with “Where’s Wilson?”
The mascot of Washington D.C.'s Howard University is what animal, which President Barack Obama declared the United States" national mammal in 2016?
American Bison
Which president appeared on “laugh in”?
Richard Nixon
He wrote the Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson
Jenna Fisher
What is “The Office”?
The residents always mentioned her shoes and that she’s ready to walk the runway.
according to an urban legend, what type of animal caused the great Chicago Fire of 1871 by knocking over a lantern?
who is the only president to be born on July 4th?
Calvin Coolidge
He assassinated President Lincoln
John Wilkes Booth
Meghan Markle
this employee loves yogurt, cheerios, and empty plastic bottles.