Where is Disney World located?
This movie features a kid who was left home alone by his family over Christmas time. 2 men try to rob his house but they fail due to his traps.
Home Alone
When was America declared independent?
July 4, 1776
What well know movie features a rat that controlles a chefs cooking by pulling his hair?
This superhero has a bat on his chest
Where is Disney Land located?
This movie features a spider that can write words in her web. She writes words to try and save the pig in the same pen.
Charlotte's Web
What activity is lunch bunch known for?
Circle ball
What was Pixars first film? Hint- it has to do with toys
Toy story
This superhero can shoot webs out of his hands
Spider man
Who founded Disney?
Walt Disney
This movie features a fish with short term memory loss trying to find her parents. Her and her two clown-fish friends search the whole ocean in hopes to find them.
Finding Dory
When is national pi day?
March 14 (3/14)
What is Pixars most recent film? Hint- its the second movie of a popular film, the main characters name is Riley
Inside out 2
This superhero turns green and big when he gets angry
What well known movie came out in 2013 featuring 2 sisters, and 1 has magical ice powers?
This movie features a girl who is green, and another girl who is blonde. At first, they hate each-other but then end up becoming friends.
What do you call a cow with no legs?
Ground beef
This film features 2 boys that are sea creatures in water, but human on land. They try and fit in but their secret is revealed.
This superhero has powerful magical abilities that allow him to conjure spells
Doctor Strange
Who was the first Disney princess?
Snow white
This movie features a boy with Treacher Collins syndrome. His face is different than those around him however goes through difficulties. He tries his best to fit in and is best know wearing his astronaut helmet.
Why should you be worried for the calendar?
Its days are limited.
What is Pixar a division of?
Walt Disney studios
This superhero holds a shield with a star in the middle
Captain America