Which river did the Israelites have to cross to enter the promised land?
What did the priest carry when the crossed the Jordan River?(full name)
The Ark of Covenant
What happened to the rushing water when the priest stepped into it?
The water dried up
What did the Israelites pick up from the middle of the Jordan River?
12 Stones
How did God provide for the Israelites while they were in the wilderness?
He gave them manna and water
Why did the Lord tell Joshua to have the men pile the twelve stones together?
So they would see it and remember what the Lord had done for them.
Who was the first leader God chose to lead the people of Israel to the new land?
How did Moses cross the Red Sea?
Stretched out his hand holding his staff and the waters divided
How many books are in the New testament
What punishment did God send upon the Israelites because they complained?
Poisonus snakes
Do you think we always understand why God asks us to do things? Why?
No! Sometimes its hard to understand why He does things the way He does. We just have to trust and Obey him.
How can we show obedience in our everyday lives?
Praying, Listening to God word ect.
Name the first five commandments
You shall have no other Gods before me
You shall not make Idols
You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God
Remember the Sabbath by keeping it holy
Honor your father and mother
Name all the books of the New Testament
According to our memory verse John 3:17 why did God send His Son into the world?
To save the world from sin
What did the crossing of the river show the Israelites about Joshua?
God was with Joshua and would work through him like He'd worked through Moses
True or False
God wanted six men from each tribe to grab a stone from the middle of the river and create a pile so people could remember what God had done for the Israelites.
Name commandments 6-10.
You shall not Murder
You shall not commit adultery
You shall not steal
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
You shall not covet
Name one event that shows that the people did not trust God.
The creation of the Golden Calf. Report of the spies.
What was Gods plan to cure the people from the deadly snake bites?
He told Moses to make a snake out of bronze and put it on a pole. Whoever looked at it would be healed.
According to our memory verse Joshua 1:9, why could Joshua be courageous?
God would be with him wherever he went
Why were the Israelites not allowed to get close to the ark when crossing the river?
God was reminding the people that He was holy and they were sinful.
Name 8 out of the 10 plagues God send to Egypt.
water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and the killing of firstborn children.
What was the spiritual Significance of the bronze serpent?
The bronze serpent is a symbol of Jesus Christ who died on the cross to save us from sin.
When the people realized they had sinned why did they cry out to Moses?
They wanted him to ask God to take the snakes away.