Actions speak...
louder than words
When was W. Shakespeare born?
April 23, 1564
What gets wetter the more it dries?
Capital of Switzerland?
Who is the 1st black president of USA?
Barack Obama
A stitch in time
saves nine
The name of the period lasted from 1837 to 1901?
Victorian Era
What are two things you can never eat for breakfest?
Lunch and dinner
What is the second largest country in the world by area?
Which country's flag is not rectangular?
You reap
what you saw
Real name of George Eliot?
Mary Ann Evans
What two keys can't open any doors?
Monkey, donkey
The most populous city in the world?
What does VPN stand for?
Virtual private network
A penny saved is...
a penny earned
Who translated 'The Call of the Wild' into uzbek?
Tog'ay Murod
How did the boy kick his ball 10 feet, and then have it come back to him on its own?
He kicked it up
The biggest desert in the world?
Who played main roles in 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith?
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
Better safe
than sorry
Who wrote 'The Jungle Book?'
Rudyard Kipling
Imagine, you're in a room that's filling up with water quickly. There is no windows and doors. How do you get out?
Stop imagining
Which river crosses the elevator line twice?
What is the name of the atomic bomb that USA dropped on Japan?
Little Boy and Fat Man