Salah is which of the 5 pillars of Islam
2nd pillar of islam
In a website browser, www stands for...
What is World Wide Web?
The amount of chapters/surahs in the Quran
The meaning of Allah's name Ar-Rahman
Who is The Most Merciful, The Ever Merciful?
The first prophet
Who is Adam (AS)?
A benefit of this salah is increased beauty
What is Fajr?
The only edible food that never goes bad
What is Honey?
The longest surah of the Quran
What is Surah Baqarah?
The meaning of Allah's name Al Baseer
Who is the All-Seeing?
This Prophet was swallowed by a whale
Who is Prophet Yunus (AS)?
A benefit of this salah is an increase of income
What is Dhuhr?
Area 51 is located in which US state
What is Nevada?
What is Surah Kawthar?
The name of Allah that means the Most Loving
Who is Al-Wadood?
Prophet Muhammad SAW had how many daughters
This salah improves your health
What is Asr?
This animal can be seen on the Porsche logo
What is a horse?
"Iqra" Read
Who is Al-Lateef?
Allah saved this prophet from a burning fire
Who is Ibrahim (AS)?
The amount of rakahs there are for all the sunnah prayers in a day
This can be broken but is never held
What is a promise?
This Prophet is mentioned the most in the Quran
The meaning of Allah's name Al-Azeez
Who is The All Mighty?
This Prophet spoke as a baby
Who is Isa (AS)?