Presidential Inagurations
Famous Leaders
Art Pieces
20th Century Physicists
Short Story Authors

He was the oldest person to ever be president. At 78 years old. His inauguration was very limited due to Covid-19.

Joe Biden


This first Roman emperor created the Praetorian Guard and added Egypt to the empire.

Augustus Caesar


This work was inspired after a visit to Eldon, Iowa, when the artist saw a Carpenter Gothic-style house. The picture depicts a dentist and his daughter standing in front of a house.

American Gothic


In 1905, this man authored 4 papers that revolutionized modern physics. The fourth paper contained his statement that the energy of a body is equal to its mass times the speed of light squared

(E = mc2).

Albert Einstein


An American author known for his works in the detective fiction, science fiction, and horror genres. Known works are Fall of the House of Usher and The Raven.

Edgar Allen Poe


This President's inauguration is currently the most viewed with 42 million people. He is known for giving a speech about tearing down the Berlin Wall.

Ronald Reagan


This French emperor ended the French Revolution and was defeated at Waterloo



This painting uses a fluorescent light of the diner, the coffee pots, and the Phillies cigar sign atop the diner. Hopper, the artist, had his wife Jo serve as the model for the woman at the bar.



Oversaw much of the Manhattan Project, but was later stripped of his security clearance during the McCarthy-era Red Scare.Often referred to as the “father” of the Atomic Bomb.



An American author many of whose stories include Bullfighting, such as The Sun Also Rises

Ernest Hemingway


This man's presidential inauguration was the first one to be broadcasted in color. He famously stated, “ Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”

John F. Kennedy


This Roman emperor committed suicide and “fiddled” during the Great Fire of Rome



First shown in 1931, this painting is probably the most famous surrealist painting. The ants, flies, clocks, and the Portlligat landscape are motifs in many other Dalí paintings.

Persistence of Memory


Rigorously isolated and experimented on radioactive materials, forming the basis for early nuclear and particle physics. Discovered the elements Polonium and Radium.

Marie Curie


An American author whose stories are often set in New England. Stories are included in his collection Twice-Told Tales. (The Scarlet Letter and Rappaccini’s Daughter)

Nathaniel Hawthorne


This president was the first one to live in the White House. He was the first president to be sworn in by the chief justice.

John Adams


This last of the Romanovs was overthrown during the February Revolution of 1917 and known as an incapable monarch.

Tsar Nicholas II


This painting is among Chagall’s earliest surviving paintings. Includes a lamb, the two giant faces, a green face on the right and a lamb’s head on the left. Other images include a milkmaid and a reaper.

I and the Village


Contributed to early formulations of quantum theory and made many partial differential equations to describe how quantum systems behave. Famous for his “cat” equation

Erwin Schrödinger


An American author known for his science fiction works. There Will Come Soft Rains which appears in his collection The Martian Chronicles.

Ray Bradbury


This man was inaugurated on March 4th, 1840. He died just one month after getting inaugurated. Where John Tyler would take his place.

William Henry Harrison


This man began his career as a boyar and became a Tsar, rumored to have arranged the murder of Dmitri. This man died in the middle of unrest and is now best known as the subject of a Pushkin play.

Boris Godunov


Mondrian’s De Stijl work that the canvas is often divided up into rectangular “tile patterns” as in Composition with Red Blue and Yellow. The painting simultaneously echoes the bright lights of a marquee.

Broadway Boogie Woogie


Correctly modeled how an object radiates heat, solving the ultraviolet catastrophe. He suggested that electromagnetic energy could only be emitted in specific packages

Max Plank


An American short story author known for his twist endings. He included many of his stories in his collections Cabbages and Kings, The Four Million, and The Gift of the Magi
