These are the names of the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
What are ''little boy'' and ''Fat man'' ?
French artist considered the leader of the Impressionist movement
Who is Claude Monet ?
The city that hosted the 1968 summer olympics
What is Mexico City ?
This is the longest river in central America, flowing from Guatemala into the Gulf of Honduras
What is thr Montagua River ?
This volcano im Guatemala is the highest peak in central america
What is Volcan Tajumulco ?
Date when the atomic boms were dropped
What is August 15, 1945 and September 2, 1945
Mexican Impressionists known for his murals un public
Who is Gerardo Murillo ?
Final score of the men's match in London 2012 Mexico - Brazil in the final
What is Mexico 2 - Brazil 1 ?
This river serves as a major waterway for Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina
What is the Paraná River ?
the highest mountain peak un South America
What is Aconcagua ?
What nationality was the murderer of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Was is Bosnian Serb ?
The French painter famous for his works of ballet dancers
Who is Edgar Degas ?
all the gold, silver and bronze medals that Mexico has achieved throughout its history
What are 10 Gold, 23 Silver and 29 Bronce ?
The river that flows from Lake Ontario to the Atlantic Ocean
What is the St. Lawrence river ?
This patagonian peak is located on the border of Chile and Argentina
Whas is Mount Fitz Roy? (Cerro chalten)
What was the make of the car in which Archduke Franz Ferdinand was traveling when he died?
What is Gräf & Stift Double Phaeton ?
French impressionists known for her domestic scenes
Who is Berthe Morisot?
Who won the first gold medal in Race Walking for Mexico?
Who is Daniel Bautista ?
Flowing 148km across Jamaica, this river is known for its navigability and lush surroundings.
What is the Black River ?
This mountain range in Nicaragua runs from the northeast to the southeast, bordering Honduras, with Mogoton peak
What are the Isabelia Mountains ?
What weapon was the archduke shot with?
What is the FN (Fabrique Nationale) 1910 pistol, designed by Browning, was used to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife ?
Mexican artist who combined Impressionism with Mexican symbolism
Who is Saturnino Herrán ?
In this exhibition sport, Mexico won 2 gold medals and 3 bronze medals in 1968.
What is Basque pelota?
Originating in Chile, this river is the longest river in patagonia
What is the Baker river ?
This mountain range in Trinidad and Tobago is home to the country´s highest peak, el cerro del aripo
What is the Northern Range ?