Which soccer player has the most trophies?
Messi with 46 trophies
What is the biggest state in the USA?(By miles not population)
Alaska - 665,000 square miles
Who is called the light of the world
What is the largest animal in the world?
Blue whale
Who was the first U.S. president?
George Washington
Which NFL player has the most Super Bowls
Tom Brady
In which U.S. state is the Grand Canyon?
Which day in creation did God create man?
Day 6
How many arms does a octopus have?
What city was the first capital of the USA?
New York City
Who has the most rebounds in NBA history?
Wilt Chamberlain
Which Country in Africa are the pyramids located?
What part of Adams body did God use to create Eve?
His rib
What is the largest bird in the world?
What are the first 10 amendments of the U.S. constitution called?
The bill of rights
Which NFL wide receiver has the most touchdowns?
Jerry Rice - 46 TDs
What is the only country that that is also a continent
What was the first of the 10 plagues of Egypt?
Water turned into blood
How many British colonies existed in America?
Who was the shortest player in nba history?
Mugsy bouges
What is the most populated city in the world?
Tokyo Japan
Which shark is the fastest?
Mako shark
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