The liberator's full name.
What is Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon?
God bless! Morelos had this job.
What is a priest?
"May____be banished forever."
What is slavery?
Morelos's military went downhill after this year.
What is 1814?
Morelos had this many kids.
What is two (possibly three)?
Morelos died at this age (which was quite normal back then).
What is 50?
When Morelos became a commander, he joined forces with this famous independence leader.
Who is Miguel Hidalgo?
What are virtue and vice?
This was Morelos's first major military win.
What is the Battle of Aguacatillo?
Morelos was killed by these people.
Who are the Spaniards?
Morelos was born here.
What is Morelia, Mexico?
Before becoming a priest, Morelos was educated by this religious group.
What are Jesuits?
Morelos wanted slavery ended for this reason.
What is his ancestry?
This city was conquered after Acapulca.
What is Oaxaca?
Morelos was this tall.
What is 5'5?
What is pardo?
Morelos used this form of warfare.
What is guerrilla warfare?
Morelos said go here when he died.
What is the Congress?
This Battle took place in Morelos's hometown.
What is Valladolid?
This lady was Morelos's mistress.
Who is Bridgida Almonte?
Morelos was born on this date.
What is September 30th, 1765?
Morelos tended to these animals as a child.
What are horses, mules, and cows?
"Dying is__________________."
What is "nothing if it is for your country."?
This was the largest city Morelos conquered.
What is Acapulco?
This was drafted with Morelos's help.
What is the Decreto Constitucional para la Libertad de la América Mexicana?