Which ESSC staffer has a lava lamp in their office?
This ESSC staffer used to stock grocery stores and dollar stores with Pepsi products.
This ESSC staffer has only ever had cats and dogs; they previously had 2 cats named Snowball & Socks.
After a Get Active sesh where we played Zoomie Zoomie, who wrote into the leagues chat with the following message:
Thigh thigh, clap clap, thigh thigh. clap clap
In the 'teamwork makes the dream work' video, the Brosh duo is featured. In the first clip of this video, they are seen both sitting in the same drivers seat of a vehicle. Who is sitting in who's lap?
JC sitting in BS' lap!
What is the name of the fish who lives at CSSC headquarters, and who is it's main caretaker?
Tequila and Theo!
This female ESSC staffer was a greeter at Mr. Lube when she was 15
Moo, Ringo, Hannibal, and Pancake are all names of this ESSC staffer's hamsters growing up.
During a birthday celebration, it was revealed that this staff members father wanted to name her Cleopatra.
During the Thanksgiving Draft between SEB and JC, JC made an absolutely bold choice for his second pick behind the all-star player; turkey. What was JC's second pick that caused uproar throughout the office?
BBQ Sauce!
On the glass wall on the OMLO's office, there is an image of 2 men having a grand ol' time. Both men are wearing sunglasses and collared shirts - what type of animal is on the print of their shirts?
When I asked this ESSC employee if they've ever had a unique previous job, they said "wish I could say astronaut". Name that staffer!
This ESSC staffer had a previous dog named Mitchie, who was named after Demi Lovato's character in Camp Rock.
On January 8th, MF provided CS with a parking ticket in the leagues chat - what was the parking ticket for?
Parked in 2 spaces.
MF and BS went head to head in the Halloween candy draft - which of them drafted the following lineup: sour patch kids, peanut m&ms, skittles, kit kat and fun dip?
What number is the parking stall for the van?
This ESSC staff member once had a summer job with a variety of different responsibilities - one of these responsibilities was grave digging.
This CSSC manager had 2 rabbits growing up. They were black and white and their names were Salt & Pepper.
In the leagues chat, who said "someone check her coffee for Baileys" and who was this said about?
BS said this about MK
In the Valentines day Instagram post, advice was given to find a teammate that looks at you like RC looks at ______________?
Sir Elton John
On the West side of the long office hallway, from HT's office to TR's office, desks are facing either North or South (with the exception of SR's desk facing East). What four desks are facing North?
TR, Spare Office, CS, HT
This male SSC employee took a 1-day contract 'labour' job at Victoria's Secret. The 'labour' was folding thongs for 8 hours.
This ESSC staffer had a variety of pets growing up, including budgie birds, a guinea pig, and a leopard gecko named Générale.
On February 12th, JC revealed his 3 favourite movies. Name 2 of them!
- Despicable Me
- Inside Out
The Michael Myers challenge tik-tok in October: out of NP, SEB, SR, KT, TOM, TR and BS, who completed the challenge and did not get murdered?
SEB, KT and TOM!