How many characters are in marvel rivals
what is 37
what is 4
This year the united states declared their independence from great Britain
what is 1776
this gaming platform was made by valve in September 12, 2003
what is steam
Which companies stock has the abbreviation (NVDA)
How many seasons have there been in marvel rivals
what is 2
Three times four plus eight
what is 20
This roman emperor played his fiddle while watching rome burn, he also persecuted many christians during his rule.
According to IGN this game is the most sold game of all time
what is tetris
Who is the most decorated disc golfer of all time
Who is Ken climo
Which character has the ult voiceline
who is Hawkeye
what is the x representing in 2x
what is the power
This was the second president of the united states
Who was John Adams
This legend of zelda game sold the most copies in the franchise totaling 32.85 Million
what is Breath Of The Wild
What is Jacobs current rank in valorant
what is bronze 2
Which hero blows a horn at the start of his ultimate
who is namor
evaluate, 3x + 6 = 15x - 14
what is x = 1
Which amendment to the constitution gave women the right to vote
What is the 19th amendment.
What video game franchise debuted in 2001 as a hybrid real-time strategy and puzzle video game centered on part-collecting for a crashed rocket ship with the help of plant-animal hybrids?
what is pikmin
This internet chat app was released in 2015 and has the mascot wumpus
What is the name of the Hulk and wolverine team up
what is fastball special
simplify, x-3
what is 1/x3
Which war spanned from 1861 - 1865
The united states civil war.
Which video game console released in 2006 pioneered the use of motion controls in its gameplay?
what is the Nintendo Wii
Pick a number 1 to 3