English: What is the name of the ancient wonder that was located in Egypt?
Simplified Chinese: 埃及古代奇迹的名字是什么?
Japanese: エジプトにあった古代の奇跡の名前は何ですか?
Korean: 이집트에 있었던 고대의 불가사의 이름은 무엇인가요?
The Pyramid of Giza
English: Who is known as the "King of Pop"?
Simplified Chinese: 谁被称为“流行音乐之王”?
Japanese: 「ポップの王様」として知られているのは誰ですか?
Korean: "팝의 왕"으로 알려진 사람은 누구인가요?
Michael Jackson
English: What is the capital of Japan?
Simplified Chinese: 日本的首都是什么?
Japanese: 日本の首都は何ですか?
Korean: 일본의 수도는 무엇인가요?
Answer: Tokyo
English: What is 5 + 7?
Simplified Chinese: 5 加 7 等于多少?
Japanese: 5 + 7 はいくつですか?
Korean: 5 더하기 7은 얼마인가요?
English: Who wrote the play "Romeo and Juliet"?
Simplified Chinese: 谁写了《罗密欧与朱丽叶》这部戏剧?
Japanese: 「ロミオとジュリエット」という戯曲を書いたのは誰ですか?
Korean: "로미오와 줄리엣"을 쓴 사람은 누구인가요?
Answer: William Shakespeare
English: The Great Wall is located in which country?
Simplified Chinese: 长城位于哪个国家?
Japanese: 万里の長城はどの国にありますか?
Korean: 만리장성은 어떤 나라에 있나요?
English: What is the name of the popular animated movie featuring a yellow fish called Nemo?
Simplified Chinese: 这部热门动画电影中有一条名为尼莫的黄色鱼,它的名字是什么?
Japanese: 黄色い魚、ニモが登場する人気アニメ映画の名前は何ですか?
Korean: 노란 물고기 니모가 등장하는 인기 애니메이션 영화의 이름은 무엇인가요?
Finding Nemo
English: What continent is Egypt located on?
Simplified Chinese: 埃及位于哪个大洲?
Japanese: エジプトはどの大陸にありますか?
Korean: 이집트는 어느 대륙에 있나요?
Answer: Africa
English: What is the square root of 64?
Simplified Chinese: 64 的平方根是多少?
Japanese: 64の平方根は何ですか?
Korean: 64의 제곱근은 무엇인가요?
English: Who was the first president of the United States?
Simplified Chinese: 美国的第一任总统是谁?
Japanese: アメリカ合衆国の初代大統領は誰ですか?
Korean: 미국의 첫 번째 대통령은 누구인가요?
Answer: George Washington
English: Which country is home to the famous Taj Mahal?
Simplified Chinese: 哪个国家有著名的泰姬陵?
Japanese: 有名なタージ・マハルがある国はどこですか?
Korean: 유명한 타지마할이 있는 나라는 어디인가요?
English: What is the title of the popular Netflix show about a group of kids who fight monsters in the 1980s?
Simplified Chinese: 关于一群孩子与怪物作斗争的1980年代的热门Netflix剧集名称是什么?
Japanese: 1980年代にモンスターと戦う子供たちのグループについての人気のNetflix番組のタイトルは何ですか?
Korean: 1980년대 괴물과 싸우는 아이들에 관한 인기 있는 넷플릭스 쇼의 제목은 무엇인가요?
Stranger Things
English: Which country is the largest by land area?
Simplified Chinese: 哪个国家的陆地面积最大?
Japanese: 最も広い土地面積を持つ国はどこですか?
Korean: 가장 넓은 면적을 가진 나라는 어디인가요?
Answer: Russia
English: What is 15 multiplied by 3?
Simplified Chinese: 15 乘以 3 等于多少?
Japanese: 15 に 3 を掛けると何ですか?
Korean: 15 곱하기 3은 얼마인가요?
Song Joong-ki
English: What is the tallest statue in the world, located in India?
Simplified Chinese: 世界上最高的雕像是什么,它位于印度?
Japanese: インドにある世界で一番高い像の名前は何ですか?
Korean: 인도에 있는 세계에서 가장 높은 동상의 이름은 무엇인가요?
Statue of Unity
English: Which famous singer is known for the song "Shape of You"?
Simplified Chinese: 哪位著名歌手以《Shape of You》这首歌而闻名?
Japanese: 「Shape of You」という曲で知られる有名な歌手は誰ですか?
Korean: "Shape of You"라는 곡으로 유명한 가수는 누구인가요?
Ed Sheeran
English: What ocean lies to the east of Japan?
Simplified Chinese: 日本东边是什么海洋?
Japanese: 日本の東にある海は何ですか?
Korean: 일본의 동쪽에는 어떤 바다가 있나요?
Answer: Pacific Ocean
English: What is the result of 50 ÷ 5?
Simplified Chinese: 50 除以 5 等于多少?
Japanese: 50 ÷ 5 はいくつですか?
Korean: 50 나누기 5는 얼마인가요?
English: The Colosseum, a famous ancient amphitheater, is located in which country?
Simplified Chinese: 古代著名的圆形剧场——罗马竞技场,位于哪个国家?
Japanese: 有名な古代の円形劇場、コロッセオはどの国にありますか?
Korean: 고대의 유명한 원형극장인 콜로세움은 어느 나라에 있나요?
English: Which movie won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 2020?
Simplified Chinese: 哪部电影在2020年赢得了奥斯卡最佳影片奖?
Japanese: 2020年にアカデミー賞で最優秀作品賞を受賞した映画は何ですか?
Korean: 2020년에 아카데미 최우수 작품상을 수상한 영화는 무엇인가요?
English: Which country has the longest river in the world?
Simplified Chinese: 哪个国家有世界上最长的河流?
Japanese: 世界で最長の川がある国はどこですか?
Korean: 세계에서 가장 긴 강이 있는 나라는 어디인가요?
Answer: Egypt (Nile River)
English: What is the area of a rectangle with length 8 and width 4?
Simplified Chinese: 一个长为 8、宽为 4 的矩形面积是多少?
Japanese: 長さが8、幅が4の長方形の面積は何ですか?
Korean: 길이가 8이고 너비가 4인 직사각형의 면적은 얼마인가요?
Katsushika Hokusai