Soul Calibur 2 featured these 3 guest characters
Link, Spawn, Heihachi
This Tiger inspired man likes to throw fireballs and anti air in street fighter 2
What is the evil power that consumes Akuma that Ryu had overcome?
#1 NRS player of all time, as well as top skullgirls player
This mechanic allows you to spend 50 meter in order to cancel any attack, except for invincible reversals
Roman Cancel
What game is Akira originally from, when she showed up in sfv as a guest
Rival Schools
This Mishima is able to transform into a devil
Kazuya Mishima
Who are the parents of Tekken's Kazuya
Heihachi and Kazumi Mishima
This top player is one of the best players street fighter 3, as well as the best player of MVC2
Justin Wong
Using 1/6th of the related meter, you can quickly close the distance between you and your opponent. This also gives moves more frame advantage than they usually have
Drive Rush
Tekken 7 featured 4 guest characters, name 3
Noctis, Akuma, Geese, Neegan
This character is the face of the virtua fighter franchise
This is the reason that the characters within the universe of Under night In-birth have their powers
The Hollow Knight
This street fighter player is most notable for always falling just short of victory, every single time
In this popular fighting game based on a popular anime, this mechanic allows you to shoot through the air at mach speed towards your opponent, blasting through some of the smaller attacks
Super dash
Guilty Gear Strive's Lucy is about to debut, what is Lucy originally from?
Cyberpunk Edgerunners
This Beautiful wrestler loves showboating and sending love to her opponents
Who is the character that killed Geese Howard
This top player is most notable for his skills in MVC2 and MVC3, noted especially for his Cable in MVC2, and for hosting the can opener series of tournaments
This mechanic from blazblue unleashes your characters full potential, giving their unique traits even more boosts
Which of the following did not appear in MvCi?
Monster Hunter
This character Deadnames Sol all the time
Dr. Paradigm
This character temporarily replaced Beelzebub as the ruler of Macho Grande
This famous top fighting player is not currently in the pro scene for playing, but was a top competitor in Killer Instinct
This mechanic occurs when the system it is associated with is misused. Experiencing this mechanic hinders air movement, as well as disabling burst
GRD Break