What is the most visited website in the world?
Which bird is known for its ability to mimic human speech?
To infinity and beyond!
Toy Story
What country is famous for the Eiffel Tower?
What common spice comes from tree bark?
What does “WWW” stand for in a website URL?
World Wide Web
What is the fastest land animal?
May the Force be with you.
Star Wars
What country is home to the Great Pyramids?
What is the hottest planet in our solar system?
What was the first viral video on YouTube to reach 1 billion views?
Gangnam Style by PSY
What do you call a baby kangaroo?
I'm the king of the world!
What country consumes the most chocolate per capita?
Switzerland! They love their chocolate!
What color is a polar bear’s skin under its fur?
Black! Their fur is actually transparent!
What was the first search engine before Google existed?
Archie – launched in 1990
Which mammal has the longest pregnancy?
Elephant – about 22 months
I volunteer as tribute!
The Hunger Games
What is the capital of Australia?
What is the most widely spoken language in the world?
English, but Mandarin has the most native speakers
What was the original name of Amazon before it was changed?
Cadabra – but it sounded like “Cadaver,” so they changed it!
Which animal’s fingerprints are almost identical to humans, making them hard to distinguish in crime scenes?
Some people are worth melting for.
What country has the most time zones (including overseas territories)?
France – 12 time zones
What’s the fear of heights called?