What is Milo's middle name?
What is one reason Kempiak stated was why he left?
Possible answers: His back hurt, time with family, Justus Scarioni, to groom Natali.
What is served for lunch on Wednesdays
Chicken Bites
What is the capital of California?
Sacramento or Bakersfield
What is in a cabinet that we retrieve from MBA?
Tennis balls
Who did Milo ask out 150+ times?
What phrase did Wyatt say during benchball that got misinterpreted as the n-word?
What is served at break on Wednesdays
Smoothie and Muffin
Name a marsupial animal
Kangaroo, Koala Bear, Opossum, Wombat, Tasmanian Devil, and more.
Which famous Marce Becerra scholar wore a bikini to school?
What does Dash do in between bench-ball points that infuriates Milo?
Throws the ball at the window screen.
What line made Dash leave the friend group for a week?
"Where's the joke in that?"
What comes with the orange chicken?
Egg roll
Isaac Newton
Where is the Marce Bacerra Walnut found
The back corner of Freddy's room
How much time does it take for Milo to finish (when by himself)?
40 minutes
When milo smashed the sandwich (he was mad about the hitler stuff), who did it mostly splurge on?
What is J Camp's favorite snack to take from Owen?
Scooby Snacks
Name a landlocked country in Asia
Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Laos, Syria, Jordan, Armenia, and more
In the famous "Where you chain at" brawl, which Marce Becerra teacher intervened?
Thor Topp
In the essay in which Milo agreed with Hitler, what was the prompt?
Doesn't have to be exact:
How effective is persuasion through fear?
What did Alex F say to Henry and Brandon in 10th grade Chemistry that solidified his position as an Alpha?
"We bleed the same blood"
Name two student lunch ladies
Ava, Tristan, Edgar, and that other guy
What is the third largest political party in the United States?
The Green Party
What are Thor Topp's 2 kids' names?
Jai and Jaelyn