Finish the lyrics:
Hey, Uncle Sam, put your name at the top of his list...
And the Statue of Liberty started shakin' her first.
Average egg prices per dozen in 2010
This KPop song is one of the most viewed Youtube videos and was/is considered a "cultural reset". Still very popular today.
Gangnum Style
Glitter is a commonly known gatekept industry with one super secret buyer. Who is the number one suspected buyer?
The U.S. Military
What travels faster, hot or cold?
Hot, you can catch a cold.
There were eight co-conspirators involved in the killing of Abraham Lincoln. How many were hanged for their involvement?
Average egg prices per dozen in 2000
This trend took over TikTok in 2023. It involved someone being drenched in a drink and dying.
(Hint: There was an opposing side of this trend, where the other half of those not being killed were sympathizers.)
The Grimace Shake
True or False:
The last reported Bigfoot sighting, according to "North American Wood Ape Conservancy" was in Illinois
What begins with T, ends with T, and has T in it?
A teapot
What country was the first to recognize the United States as a country?
(Hint: It is the longest remaining unbroken treaty in US history. They are known to be one of the biggest supporters of America to this day.)
Average egg prices per dozen in 1980
What is the number one best-selling album in history?
Thriller / Michael Jackson
What did Boeing plead guilty to?
Conspiracy to commit fraud
What kind of room has no windows or doors?
During the war of 1812, this first lady is famously known for saving the portrait of George Washington and other important US valuables.
First Lady Dolley Madison
Average egg prices per dozen in 1990
Shirley Temple
When was the last reported Bigfoot sighting, according to the North American Wood Ape Conservancy?
October 2024
The more you take of me, the more you leave behind.
In 1972, the United States accidentally dropped two Mark 39 hydrogen bombs (nukes), narrowly avoiding a catastrophic disaster. Where did this happen?
Goldsboro, North Carolina
Average egg prices per dozen in 2024
In 1972, Charlie Chaplin received the longest standing ovation in Oscar history. How long was it?
12 Minutes
What are the most basic details of the newly semi-popular Finland conspiracy theory?
Finland is not a real country; it was created by Japan during the Cold War.
What animal is known for being able to jump higher than a house?
Most of them
(Houses can jump)