Who was Moses' sister?
Who is assumed to be "the disciple whom Jesus loved"?
(Fun fact that most of you probably already know: the Bible doesn't explicitly state that "the disciple whom Jesus loved" is John.)
Have each team choose heads or tails.
I will then spin a coin and whichever team got the right side wins these points.
Factor x2+4x+4.
(x+2)(x+2) or (x+2)2
How old was Moses when he died?
120 years old
Which two disciples wanted to sit to the right and left of Jesus' throne in heaven?
James and John, sons of Zebedee
Whichever team has the most people who are private schooled gets these points
If equal, points are divided for each team
I can be cracked, made, told and played. What am I?
A joke
What is a jungle, but also a store?
Who were Moses' parents?
(250 points for his father, 250 points for mother)
Amram and Jochebed
Pick ONE person to name 7 of Jesus' disciples within 30 seconds
Peter, Andrew, James (son of Zebedee), John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James (son of Alphaeus), Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot
You lose 25 of the 500 points this question offers for every member of your team who has NOT cleaned their chores.
A man goes out for a walk during a storm with nothing to protect him from the rain. He doesn’t have a hat, a hood or an umbrella. But by the end of his walk, there isn’t a single wet hair on his head. Why doesn’t the man have wet hair?
He's bald
What's the capital of Alaska?
Which Psalm was written by Moses?
Psalm 90
Who were the two people, one of whom was chosen to replace Judas Iscariot? (300 points for each)
Barsabbas/Justus and Matthias
Your team gets to pick the question for the other team's next turn.
If they answer it right, they get these points, plus the points from the question you picked. If they answer it wrong, you get all of the points, so pick something hard.
(If this is the last remaining question, you get free 600 points.)
In a bus, there is a 26-year-old pregnant lady, a 30-year-old policeman, a 52-year-old random woman, and the driver who is 65 years old. Who is the youngest?
The baby of the pregnant lady.
(For this question, you get 5 minutes to think)
Who was the 8th President of the U.S.A?
Martin Van Buren
Who were Moses' sons? (350 points for each)
Gershom and Eliezer
How many books of the Bible have the names of any of Jesus' 12 disciples in their titles?
Pick a person from each team with good puzzle-solving skills.
Both of you are given two equal Sudoku puzzles. Whoever solves it first gets the points!
A shepherd must cross a river with a wolf, a goat, and a lettuce, but his boat can only carry one at a time. How can he get them all across safely without the wolf eating the goat or the goat eating the lettuce?
Goat across
Return alone
Wolf/lettuce across
Goat back
Lettuce/wolf across
Return alone
Goat across