Why did Bruno's family move
Bruno's father got a new job assignment
What was Pavel's job before being sent to camp
He was a doctor
Maria considered Father to be a good man because he had
gave her a job and paid her mother's funeral expenses
Bruno thought he looked like Shmuel after Bruno...
Shaved his head because of lice
Who is Bruno's sister
What did Bruno and Shmuel discover after meeting the first time?
They had the same birthday
Who cleaned Bruno's wound after he fell off his tire swing
Why did Bruno have to shave his head
Who did Bruno meet while exploring
Who is the protagonist of the book
Who became very angry when Pavel dropped the wine bottle?
Lieutenant Kotler
Who is the author of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
John Boyne
Where is the setting of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
After Father formed a theory about Bruno's disappearance, what did he do?
Went to the fence where Bruno left his clothes
How old are Bruno and Shmuel?
Why did Bruno not want to move
He would miss his friends
What did Bruno wonder if the new house would have
a banister to slide down
What did Gretel see when she looked through Bruno's window?
low huts, large square buildings, and no grass
Why did Bruno go on Shmuel's side of the fence
To look for Shmuel's papa
What happened shortly before Maria packed Bruno's belongings?
The Fury and the beautiful woman ate dinner with Bruno's parents