What is Nike?
Beethoven, Bach and Vivaldi are a part of this genre.
What is classical music?
You could do this on airplanes, inside buildings, pretty much anywhere you want to but not today.
What is smoking cigarettes.
These jeans were considered trendy and stylish in the 70s
What are bellbottoms?
Poinsettias are given on this holiday in winter
What is Christmas?
This person is the quarterback for the Bengals.
Who is Joe Burrow?
This person originally sang "I Will Always Love You."
Who is Dolly Parton?
This was the first video game ever invented.
What is pong?
What is Platform shoes?
This vegetable used to be purple but over the centuries has become the orange color we know today.
What is carrots?
This team is known as the 'aints' when on a loosing streak.
What is the Saints?
This person sings hits like Bohemian Rhapsody, Killer Queen and Don't Stop Me Now.
Who is Freddy Mercury?
This was considered a normal means of travel without having a car or bus to take.
What is hitchhiking?
What is Jaws?
This is the only state that grows coffee.
What is Hawaii?
This team is the only team to share a stadium with an NFL.
What is Oakland?
This year was the first time a color tv program was aired.
What is 1953?
This hairstyle was famous at the time.
What is a mohawk?
These two body parts keeping growing throughout our lives.
What is nose and ears?
What is the Spurs?
What is White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane?
This crisis in 1973 and 1979 had a major effect on all economies in the 70s that revolved around this natural resource.
What is oil?
This was Stephen Kings first novel.
What is Carrie?
What is an indigenous group that lived in what is now known as Mexico City.
What is Mayans?