Micheal Jackson' biggest hit song
What is Billie Jean?
The world's most popular sport
what is soccer?
The number of movies in Star Wars
What is 12?
The continent with the most animal species
What is South America?
The most common street name in the U.S.
What is Second Street?
The classic composer that is deaf
Who is Ludwig van Beethoven?
The color of goal post's in football
What is yellow?
The answer to 12345+678910=
What is 691255?
The country with the biggest population
What is China?
The only state in the U.S. that doesn't have a rectangular flag
What is Ohio?
The first instrument ever made
What is a flute?
When a bowler makes 3 strikes in a row
What is turkey?
The answer to 369*9
What is 3321?
The tallest mountain in the U.S.
What is Mount Mckinley?
Lizard's tongue uses
What is to sense chemicals?
The only band to play in all the continents
What is the Metallica band?
The NFL team that was originally called The New York Titans
What is The New York Jets?
The answer to 96+93*5
What is 561
The number of countries in the United Kingdom
What is 4
The weight of a cloud
What is up to 1 million pounds?
The weirdest and largest instrument
What is the Great Stalacpipe Organ?
The number that sits right of a 20 in a standard dart board
What is 1?
The answer to 852/4-63*2
What is 87?
The largest city in Australia
What is Brisbane?
The first movie made in color
What is Visit to the Seaside?