A thermometer is a device to measure what?
What is temperature.
I a tomato fruit or a vegetable?
What is a fruit.
How many legs does a spider have?
what is eight.
What is the largest country in the world?
what is russia
What day does Halloween fall on
what is october 31st
What country has the most tornadoes per year?
What is the USA.
Which vegetable make people cry when they cut it?
What is an onion.
How many hearts does an octopus have ?
what is three
What country does the river nile meet the sea?
what is Egypt.
Which animal is bad luck if it crosses your path?
what is a black cat.
What i the name of a person that studies the weather?
What is a meterologist.
What part of the plant is a potato?
What is the stem.
What is the USA national bird?
what is a bald eagle.
Where are the angle falls located
what is Venezuela.
Where does dracula live?
what is transylvania
An avalanche feature a rapid descent of what?
What is snow.
What do you call a person who eats fish but not meat?
What is a pescatarian.
What is the heaviest type of monkey?
what is the mandrill.
What country has a maple leaf on its flag?
what is Canada.
What does a ghost say?
what is boooooooooo
True of false, you ssee lightning and hear thunder?
What is true.
Which dairy product is used to make cheese?
What is milk.
How many stomachs does a cow have?
what is four
Which is the largest volcano in the world?
what is the mount lao.
What is the name of the friendly ghost?
what is Casper.