Symptoms of frequency and burning with urination, and foul smelling urine.
What is a UTI?
A blood test performed at the bedside by nursing staff to determine blood glucose levels.
What is a capillary blood glucose?
The gathering of relevant medical data from an individual under your care.
A CBG of 12.2
What is hyperglycemia?
A systolic blood pressure of >140.
What is hypertension?
When a clot forms within the main peripheral veins.
A lab test used to test for kidney function and rule out infection.
A tool used by medical staff to organize report giving.
What is SBAR?
What is a fever or elevated temperature?
A diagnosis characterized by sudden changes in mental status and can include confusion, paranoia, hallucinations, or withdrawn mental state.
What is delirium?
Your patient has a WBC count of 15 what does this finding suggest?
What is an infection?
The communication of information between health care providers.
What is transfer of accountability (TOA)?
A term that describes when someone has difficulty breathing when they are lying down.
What is orthopnea?
I am often called the 5th vital sign.
What is the pain scale?
A condition that causes inflammation of the intestinal lining. It can be caused by viruses, bacteria or parasite.
What is gastroenteritis?
A parasite that is spread through water, food or on surfaces and causes diarrhea. It is the most common cause of parasitic infections in Canada.
What is the glasgow coma scale?
Identify this auscultated lung sound.
What are fine crackles?
A heart rate of >100.
What is tachycardia?
An autoimmune disorder that targets the islets of langerhans.
What is type one diabetes mellites?
Your patient has a lab result showing a hemoglobin of 122. What does this finding suggest?
What is a normal hemoglobin?
A set of standards that help guide clinical practice, patient safety, and policy within the nursing profession.
Identify this auscultated heart sound.
What is atrial fibrilation?
A respiratory rate of <8.
What is bradypnea?