How many countries are in Oceania?
What is 14
Australia is made up of ____ states and ____ territories. Extra points if you can name all of them.
What is Australia is made up of 6 states and 2 territories.
What is the population of New Zealand
What is 5 million
What is the population of Antartica?
What is 0
What is the national animal of Australia?
What is a kangaroo
What is the biggest country in oceania?
What is Mainland Australia
What is the name of the most popular sport in Australia?
What is AFL (Australian Football League)
What is special about the eggs of the kiwi?
What is kiwi lays the biggest eggs in proportion to its size of any birds in the world.
True or False ice cream freezes in Antarctica.
What is TRUE
What is the smallest continent in the world?
What is oceania
What kind of animal is a kiwi
What is a flightless bird
What is the capital of Australia
What is Canberra
What is the capital of New Zealand
What is Wellington
What is the average wind speed in Antarctica
What is 67 km/ph
Is Antarctica classified as a pole?
What is Yes
What kind of plant is a kiwi
What is a Actinidia deliciosa
Which place in Australia has the cleanest air in the world?
What is Tasmania
The ocean New Zealand lies on is...
What is the Pacific Ocean
How many animal species live in Antarctica?
What is 235 animal species
Name the three largest deserts in Australia
What is the Great sandy, Great Victoria, The Simpson
What land form dominates much of New Zealand?
What are volcanos
Who first founded Australia?
What is Captain Arthur Phillip
Name a New Zealander who won the Nobel Prize and is known the father of nuclear physics for his orbital theory of the atom
What is Ernest Rutheford
Name one of the five glaciers of Antarctica
What is outlet glaciers, valley glaciers, cirque glaciers, tidewater glaciers, and ice streams
Name the tallest mountain in Australia
What is the Mt. Kosciusko