She looks like Mandy and is twins with her?
who is Kasey
when is Binkey's Birth day?
when is May 7th
When Gandalf died who did he come back as?
Who is Gandalf the white
Bilbo signs a contract to be a what?
What is a burglar
In the 14th book where do they go?
Where is china
At one point Nick and Sam both liked who?
who is Elaine
(so far) how many siblings does Binkey have?
what is 11
When they agree to take the to mordor Pippen says what?
Where are we going?
Who says "I belong with my brother" to Throin?
Who is Fili
When they first meet Morgan le fay what animal is she?
What is a mouse
When kids had a game of who could no one beet?
Who is Tayor
Lacey and Faith both have who?
Who is Harmonie
When Pippen asked for second breckfast what does arogon give him?
What is a apple
When they go down the river what do they ride in?
What are Barols
In the back of the book it says more facts for _____ and you?
Who is Jack
When N-17 went around who got a surgery first?
Who is Esther
Sarah gave Pam but who gave me Ham?
Who is Grammy (Vonsik)
The battle of helms ______
What is deep
Bilbo's ____ shines blue?
The 19th one is called what?
Tigers at twilight
In the song that goes "Bud, Dude, and Bro, _____?
Who is Joe
Who is Danie's mother?
What is the second movie or book called?
What is the two towers
Bilbo comlements Gandalfs what?
What is a firework
Who is younger?
Who is Annie