The name of a fracture where bones are exposed.
Open fracture.
What is a contusion?
A bruise.
Most bleeding can be controlled with this:
Direct pressure.
What is the medical term for shock?
What is the term for LOWER than normal blood glucose levels?
What do tendons attach?
Muscle to bone.
What are characteristics of arterial bleeding?
Spurting, bright red.
What are the 4 main types of shock?
Hypovolemic, cardiogenic, distributive, and obstructive.
What is the term for HIGHER than normal blood glucose levels?
What are some of the signs and symptoms of shock?
Increased HR, increased RR, lower BP, lower O2 sats, pale, cool, clammy skin, decreased level of consciousness, agitation, confusion.
What are the two types of strokes?
Ischemic (blockage or clot) and hemorrhagic (ruptured aneurysm).
Properties of a good splint:
Immobilizes the injury, padded, adjustable, access to check CSM.
What is the difference between chest pain from angina and chest pain from a heart attack?
Chest pain from angina will resolve with rest.
Which organs are located in the Right Lower Quadrant (RLQ) of the abdomen?
The appendix, colon, cecum, ureter, bladder, uterus.
What are the signs and symptoms of shock with a traumatic brain injury and brain swelling?
Increased BP, lower HR, irregular respirations.