Q Skills Textbook
Movies & Games
Europe & Oceania

Conan Edogawa used __________ evidence to solve the mysterious crime.

A) petty   B) delinquent    C) pretentious   D) forensic

What is D) forensic (法廷の)?

petty: 取るに足らない , delinquent: 非行の , pretentious: もったいぶった


Something that was popular for only a short time, like fidget spinners.

What is a fad?


This Japanese series is the best-selling video game in the world with over 879 million units sold. 

What is Super Mario?


This is the capital of Australia. 

What is Canberra?


This is the best baseball team in America and the team Ohtani Shohei plays on. 

What is LA Dodgers?


Despite his best efforts to explain, he could only ____ his shoulders when asked about his whereabouts that night. 

A) shrug   B) fidget   C) remove   D) embrace

What is A) shrug(すくめる)?

fidget: そわそわする , embrace: (愛情をもって)抱擁す


To hide by blending in with the background or environment.

What is camouflage?


This Microsoft game was released in 2011. In this game, you can build using blocks, befriend villagers, and fight enemies called Creepers. 

What is Minecraft?


This is a dessert of sweetened chestnut purée in the form of vermicelli, topped with whipped cream. It was created in nineteenth-century Paris. The name means "white mountain," as the dish resembles a snow-capped mountain.

What is Mont Blanc


This American dessert which uses pastry, sugar, cinnamon, and Granny Smith apples can be found all around the world and is a popular menu item at McDonalds.

What is apple pie?


The _____ of the foreign country issued a statement about the recent political unrest.

A) embargo   B) embassy   C) forensic   D) temperament

What is B) embassy (大使館)?

embargo: (船舶の)抑留 , forensic: 法廷の , temperament: 気質 


Being kind and polite even when someone is rude to you.

What is the civility solution?


This 2009 movie about blue people who live in Pandora has made over $2.7 billion, making it the most successful movie in history. 

What is Avatar?


2位:「アベンジャーズ エンドゲーム」27億9750万ドル
4位:「スター・ウォーズ フォースの覚醒」20億6952万ドル
5位:「アベンジャーズ インフィニティ・ウォー」20億4835万ドル


This is a famous dish from the U.K. It is eaten in the morning and the ingredients include fried eggs, sausage, black pudding, beans, toast, tomatoes, mushrooms, and tea or coffee. 

What is Full Breakfast?


This Los Angeles basketball player is 206cm tall and weighs 113kg. He is famous for scoring the most points in NBA history.

What is LeBron James?


The school took disciplinary action against the ______ students for their repeated misconduct. 

A) delinquent   B) moral   C) leisure  D) bombastic

What is A) delinquent (非行の、非行者の)?

moral: 倫理的な , leisure: レジャー , bombastic: 誇大な 

There are two ways animals can use color. The first way is camouflage to hide from predators. Another way is to use bright colors, like the bright blue poison dart frog. These frogs use color as a ________ to other animals that they have poison. 
What is warning?

These 3 Pokémon are the starters in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. 

What are Sprigatito (ニャオハ), Fuecoco (ホゲータ), and Quaxly (クワッス)?


This activity was introduced to England by Duchess Anna in the year 1840. The Duchess would become hungry around four o’clock in the afternoon. The Duchess asked that a tray of tea, bread and butter, and cake be brought to her room during the late afternoon. This became a habit of hers and she began inviting friends to join her. This pause for tea became a fashionable social event in Europe and is now a trend among young Japanese women. 

What is Afternoon Tea?


This was the last state to join the U.S. in 1959. This state has the largest active volcano in the world. Surfing was invented here and it is a popular tourist destination for people all over the world.

What is Hawaii?


The government warned its citizens not to trust the false information meant to ________ the public.

A) enlighten   B) help  C) mislead   D) assist

What is C) mislead (誤解させる, 迷わせる, 欺く)?

enlighten: 啓発する


This style of architecture became popular during the 1800s. These homes are characterized by Gothic influences and lots of detail. They are big, with large towers. The Disneyland castle, featured in Sleeping Beauty (眠れる森の美女), was built in this style.

What is Victorian?


This open-world action-adventure game released in May 2023 broke the Guinness World Record for the "fastest-selling Nintendo game in history." This game's catchphrase is: "Flying, creating, spinning. Endless adventures spread to the sky."

What is The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom?

Wikipedia: 『ゼルダの伝説 ティアーズ オブ ザ キングダム』(ゼルダのでんせつ ティアーズ オブ ザ キングダム、The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom)は、2023年5月12日に任天堂より発売されたNintendo Switch用のオープンワールドアクションアドベンチャーゲーム。キャッチコピーは「翔ける、創る、紡ぐ。果てなき冒険は、大空へ広がる。」。
発売から3日間で売上1000万本を突破し、それまで最速の売り上げだった『大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ SPECIAL』の記録を更新した。これにより、「最も早く売れた任天堂ゲーム」として本作がギネス世界記録に認定された。


This country is famous for music and art. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Johann Strauss II, were born here. A well-known dish from this country is sachertorte (ザッハトルテ).

What is Austria?


In America, if you say this phrase too often, people will think you are always making mistakes and can not be trusted. To Americans, the more you apologize the less you mean it.

What is "I'm sorry?"